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IPS News | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

THE HAGUE, Jul 5, 2011 (IPS) - Avoiding the coming catastrophic nexus of climate change, food, water and energy shortages, along with worsening poverty, requires a global technological overhaul involving investments of 1.9 trillion dollars each year for the next 40 years, said experts from the U.N...

TRUST | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

KITOGANI, Tanzania (AlertNet) – Are Zanzibar’s preparations to participate in carbon trading reaping benefits for the poor? Just ask Zanzibar’s Fatuma Mchezo. The mother of four, who lives on the island of Unguja, now uses wood-conserving stoves to prepare her family’s meals and to fry fish, which...

The Independent | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The two most dreaded words in any office are the same – management consultants. Their arrival rumbles through a workplace like the approaching thwump-thwump of the T-Rex in Jurassic Park, rattling our desks and making us all fear we will be picked up and gored at random. We're right to be afraid –...

The Borneo Post | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

OTA KINABALU: KTS Plantation Sdn Bhd was awarded the Certificate of Compliance by the Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) for its outstanding performance in forest management, yesterday.

Mongabay | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Legal rights and recognition for the diverse indigenous peoples of Suriname have lagged behind those in other South American countries. Despite pressure from the UN and binding judgments by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Suriname has yet to recognize indigenous and tribal land rights, a...

Huffington Post | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A study released this week predicts a grim future for the ecosystem in and around Yellowstone National Park.

Eurasia Review | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A string of recent events indicates that Amazonian deforestation and violence against environmental activists are on the rise. The Brazilian Congress’s lower house approves a bill that weakens protection of the rainforest—which may explain the drastic increase in deforestation, as land clearers...

EIA-International | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

BANGKOK: A new report released today (July 28, 2011) exposes the pivotal role played by the Vietnamese military in a multi-million dollar operation which is smuggling threatened timber over the border from the shrinking forests of neighbouring Laos.

TFT Forests | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Countries where the majority of tropical forests are located and targeted by the REDD scheme [Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation] are in a condition described as “fragile”. These states have a combination of the following characteristics; a failed rule of law, weak...

Sustainable Business | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Investors now have access to a growing sector of the sustainable forestry industry through what is said to be the world's first asset-backed bamboo bond. Because it grows so rapidly and spreads so quickly, it's often viewed as an invasive problem in the US, but those qualities make it an important...

Amandala | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Over the course of the past year, 300 acres inside the Chiquibul Forest have been hacked, and the razed portions of the forest to date amount to 13,000 acres – larger than Belize City. That is according to Rafael Manzanero, the executive director of Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD...

Proparco | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Paris, 19 July 2011. In March 2011, PROPARCO committed US$10m to the first fund specialized in sub-Saharan Africa’s forestry sector via the Investment and Support Fund for Businesses in Africa (FISEA). GEF Africa Sustainable Forestry Fund (GASFF) was launched in 2010 at the initiative of Britain’s...

Guyana Chronicle Online | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

TOSHAOS and Regional Chairmen of the 10 administrative regions yesterday declared that Guyana does not have any existing group of indigenous people living in isolation. This declaration came following a presentation by Project Coordinator- Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Sharon Austin, on the...

MTN Forum | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Despite the adoption of many international agreements over the last decades, degradation of forests and deforestation has continued. Since this is largely due to the market's failure to account for forests' multifunctionality, this issue argues that a new, holistic approach is necessary to ensure...

Star Tribune | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Two years ago, the forestry company UPM Blandin was hailed for placing all of its northern Minnesota forestland in state conservation easements to prevent development. In return, the company was given $44 million, most of it coming from the state's new Legacy money. But few predicted what is now...

NC Guyana | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Amerindian leaders have agreed by majority vote to a resolution calling for the fast-tracking of the institutional requirements for the release of the Norway funds critical to the implementation of projects under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS). The accord emanated on day two of the 5th...

MTN Forum | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Based on recent studies conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on forest tenure systems in Asia and Africa, the paper presents an overview of the present situation, characterized by the predominance of public forests under the direct control and management of...

Guyana Chronicle Online | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

ON July 18, 2011, the World Bank, as Trustee of the Guyana REDD Investment Fund (GRIF), received the second installment of the Norway funds in the amount of NOK 213 million, or approximately US$38M, and as a result, there is now approximately US$68 million available for funding decisions by the...

Eurasia Review | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Many migrants from southern Brazil who clear forests in Brazil’s state of Amazonas are making their living as small-scale land speculators and not as farmers or as cattle ranchers, new research has found. This on-the-ground reality and the proposed changes to Brazil’s Forest Code are likely to ramp...


by Dr. Radut