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Miller McCune | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

I was in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca during one of Mexico’s best-known traditions, the Day of the Dead.

SCOOP NZ | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Experts from leading institutions and government organisations working in the field of climate change in the Himalayan region called attention to mountain issues and challenges in the light of climate change. They linked these issues to the debate on how to mainstream the sustainable development...

CNN | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

(CNN) -- As talks at the United Nations climate summit enter their final hours, hopes of progress on key issues including the REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) program appear to be fading. Despite an upbeat prognosis from the executive director of the U.N....

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

11 December 2010 | CANCUN |  After two weeks of intense negotiations, another Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has come and gone. Working through Friday until the early hours of Saturday morning, bleary eyed delegates jetted...

Vancouver Sun | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

CANCUN, Mexico — The international community has reached a consensus on the building blocks for a legally binding treaty on global warming that could dramatically slash greenhouse gas emissions, senior Canadian government officials said Saturday.

Surfbirds | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Major world leaders gathered today at an event sponsored by non-profit Avoided Deforestation Partners to call on the global community to work towards a speedy end to deforestation, a major source of global CO2 emissions and driver of climate change. "The time for global action to protect forests...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The most intensive and thorough report ever produced on the state of British Columbia‘s forests suggests sound laws and policies, including public reporting by an independent Forest Practices Board, are supporting sustainable forest management in British Columbia, Forests, Mines and Lands...

Boulder county business report | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

BOULDER - Sustainable forestry company ECO2 Forests Inc. has plans for two joint-venture projects in Europe - one in Turkey, the other in Bulgaria. ECO2 Forests (Pinksheets: ECOF), with offices in Boulder and Queensland, Australia, signed an agreement with ECO PLUS Limited to grow a 1,200-acre...

The Vancouver Sun | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

There are many things that distinguish "supernatural" British Columbia from other jurisdictions. But one of the most enduring of them is its abundance of publicly owned lands. While many of us may not realize it, about 94 per cent of B.C. is Crown or public land. And over the decades the wealth...

Solve Climate News | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

CANCUN, MEXICO -- The prospect of a deal on forest protection at the Cancun climate talks has galvanized pressure groups at either end of the ideological axis to take common aim at keeping the UN out of the rainforests. On the one side are indigenous groups, who say the pact would add up to a...

SATIIM | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

On Monday December 6, 2010, the Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM) with funding from the Global Environmental Facility Trust Fund, which supports the Development Marketplace 2009 Global Competition, launched a project in Toledo entitled “ Building Q'eqchi' Maya Capacity...

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

NOH-BEC, Mexico, Dec 3 (Reuters) - Community leaders managing a fragment of ancient Mexican jungle say their approach to logging precious hardwoods protects rare jaguar and may guide nearby U.N. climate talks seeking a forest blueprint. Community forest management means giving land ownership to...

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

But the question is whether the Swedish economy can rely on the forest ahead? Danske Bank writes in its latest newsletter that Sweden managed relatively lightly through the financial crisis. According to teh bank the forest industry, with the help of a weak dollar, rescued Sweden. 

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Policy issues and lessons from developing national forest financing strategies in Latin America Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

The US cables reveal the problem with illegally harvesting and how Chinese and Russian logging companies operates. According to the cables smugglers use different methods to illicitly export illegal  timber, most of which are able to pass through customs inspections and established border...

Greenwood Management | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

More than one million hectares of prime Amazon Rainforest land in Brazil has been made available for a programme of forestry concessions, according to the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB). The area involved in the programme is spread over seven areas within the states of Rondonia and Pará, and is...

This is Plymouth | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Seven square miles of woodland are to be wiped from the West landscape as the battle to control a virulent tree-killing fungus intensifies. The Forestry Commission and private landowners in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset are being forced into a rapid programme of felling to combat the spread of...

World Growth | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

CANCUN – Proposals by wealthy countries to restrict access to forest areas in developing countries in the name of climate change will have a detrimental effect upon the world’s poor, according to a new report by pro-development NGO World Growth.

Overseas development Institute | vor 13 Jahre 7 months

Seven major bilateral and multilateral funding initiatives have recently been created to support the new concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. This has been proposed as a major international mitigation strategy, seen by many to also hold considerable promise for...


by Dr. Radut