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The Jakarta Globe | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Conservation Debate I: A Question of Credibility William Laurance et al | October 27, 2010 As professional scientists employed by leading academic and research institutions, we are writing to alert the general public about some of the claims and practices being used by the World Growth Institute...

Stabroek News | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

John Palmer is a consultant to the UK Government on planning of global forest research and former manager of the UK Government’s tropical forestry research programme. He works on control of  illegal logging and trade in illegally harvested timber, and standard setting for forest certification...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

REPRESENTATIVES of the major international financial institutions here have pledged their readiness to work with the Government of Guyana and the indigenous peoples to implement projects that have been proposed for funding from the Norway funds, and it is hoped that disbursement of monies...

IRIN News | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

MBALE, 3 November 2010 (IRIN) - A three-year project to increase forest cover and help local communities in eastern Uganda adapt to climate change has been launched. "The planting of one million trees has started to sustain an area of tropical forest in Africa the size of Wales," said John...

European Parliament | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The importance of forests in combating climate change is crucial as trees are absorbing carbon dioxide being emitted by human activities. What is more, deforestation and forest degradation account for a quarter of emissions. Forestry is one area where there are hopes of real progress at the...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Have you heard of the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre? The mission of the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre is to create innovative knowledge to expand the economic opportunities for the forest sector to benefit from Canadian wood fibre. Background The Canadian Wood Fibre Centre was formed in 2006 within the...

Business Ghana | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Your Royal Highnesses, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me begin by expressing the gratitude of all of us here for the leadership of the Netherlands in convening this important conference. It is appropriate that the Netherlands should lead this venture, since you have been a world leader...

Mongabay | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Food produced in the tropics comes with high carbon emissions and low crop yields, according to a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). In the most comprehensive and detailed study to date looking at carbon emissions versus crop yields, researchers found that...

ICEP | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Minister aus 193 Ländern wollen beim COP 16, dem Weltklimagipfel in Cancún, eine wirksame Vereinbarung für die Zeit nach Ende des Kyoto-Vertrages 2012 finden. Ein Durchbruch ist nicht zu erwarten. Einzig bei REDD – dem Programm zum Schutz der Tropenwälder in ihrer Funktion als Kohlenstoffspeicher...

ITTO | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Within the framework of the International Year of Biodiversity 2010, ITTO has been particularly active in promoting the conservation and sustainable use of forest biodiversity in the tropics, in collaboration with member countries and partner institutions. ITTO is presenting much of this work ...

vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Argentina 16-17 November 2010 Palacio San Miguel - Suipacha 84 - Buenos Aires The Forum follows the successful model of the private sector events organized at the XIII World Forestry Congress in Buenos Aires in October 2009. It provides a dynamic dialogue between forest producers and industry,...

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

  HONG KONG, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Dutch asset manager Robeco (RBEN.AS) plans to raise $500 million for a fund investing in timber and forestry ventures, chasing opportunities as the timber market braces for expected supply shortfalls amid rising demand.

Engineering News | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The Gilboa nature reserve is the first 
forestry property to be proclaimed a private nature reserve in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) under the biodiversity steward-
ship mechanism. Through the biodiversity stewardship initiative, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, in partnership with the Grasslands Programme of the...

The Jakata Post | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Much is said about how forestry will be an important part of Indonesia’s emission reduction plan.  Many in the conservation community believe that the best way to reduce net emissions is to reduce the area of forest harvested for wood products or land cleared for conversion to agriculture or...

Timbercommunity | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The Norwegian conglomerate Orkla is selling the wholly-owned forest companies Borregaard Skoger AS, AS Borresen and Borregaard Vafos AS to Statskog for a total of NOK 1 725 million writes Orkla in a pressrelease after a broad process with strong competition and a number of attractive offers.

EFI | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The FOREST EUROPE policies play an important role in combating global biodiversity loss. These are the findings of a recently completed assessment, which has been carried out in relation to the 10TH Conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which is taking place until 29...

Greenwise Business | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The UK Government has committed to spending £100 million on international projects that will tackle deforestation and improve biodiversity. The global forestry funding is part of £2.9 billion of UK money pledged to climate change projects in the Comprehensive Spending Review last week. It will...

People Daily CN | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Delegates from 69 countries met Tuesday in Nagoya, central Japan, on the sidelines of the ongoing U.N. biodiversity talks to discuss ways to help developing nations tackle issues of deforestation in a bid to counter greenhouse gas emissions.

Demerara Waves | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Some of Norway's forest-payments to buy solar panels, demarcate Amerindian lands., Jagdeo tells World Bank not to dictate, slow-up process greenhouse gases would be spent on land demarcation and providing clean-energy to Amerindian communities.

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

UPM has developed a global biodiversity programme that aims to maintain and increase natural biodiversity on UPM forest land, and to promote best practices in forestry and wood sourcing. UPM's biodiversity programme is regarded as a front-runner and is being showcased at the UN COP 10. 


by Dr. Radut