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27.07.10 GEF Publishes Brief on Financing for Sustainable Forest Management and REDD+
26.07.10 New Casebook of On-the-Ground REDD Project Experience
07.07.10 Nested REDD+ vital in forest solution: Report
01.07.10 PR Lao is joining Forest Investment Program (FIP)
01.07.10 18th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Edinburgh
29.06.10 UNFCCC Publishes Meeting Report on Guidance for Forest Emissions and Removals
24.06.10 Impact of the global forest industry on atmospheric greenhouse gases
22.06.10 June 2010: A survey of the UN-REDD programme
19.06.10 Carbon-Free UK in 2030?
18.06.10 Fighting sand encroachment
16.06.10 Roads, Development and Deforestation: a review
16.06.10 U.S. the second biggest buyer of forests based voluntary carbon credits in 2009
16.06.10 Keith Openshaw
16.06.10 Industrial Farming Slows Climate Change?
15.06.10 Finland puts emphasis on renewable wooden energy in order to mitigate climate change
14.06.10 Good Practice Guidance on the Sustainable Mobilization of Wood in Europe
13.06.10 Biomass confusion in the U.S.
13.06.10 Reporting on deforestation, pollution is dangerous
07.06.10 IUCN Position Paper on REDD in Developing Countries
07.06.10 REDD-plus, forest people’s rights and nested climate governance
07.06.10 Forest Carbon Incentives in Climante Policy: Understanding the Economonics
06.06.10 Realising Rights, Protecting Forests: An Alternative Vision for Reducing Deforestation
02.06.10 Unasylva
02.06.10 Benefits of Tropical Forest Management under the New Climate Change Agreement
28.05.10 Global Carbon Market Grows to $144 billion Despite Financial and Economic Turmoil
26.05.10 First forest carbon improvement plan approved
25.05.10 REDD+ in the Post-Copenhagen World: Recommendations for Interim Public Finance
21.05.10 The Austrian Forest Biodiversity Index: All in one
20.05.10 Tanzania: Norway to organize Oslo climate conference
20.05.10 The Hartwell Paper
20.05.10 Cambodia: Case Study on Community REDD+ Project in Oddar Meanchey Province
18.05.10 Poor want biomass, not biodiversity, finds study
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Zambia
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Bolivia
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Democratic Republic Congo
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Indonesia
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Panama
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Papua New Guinea
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Paraguay
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Tanzania
17.05.10 UN-REDD: Viet Nam
17.05.10 New guide for forest carbon projects
13.05.10 Implications of Climate Change Agreements on Forest Management in the Greater Mekong Sub-region
11.05.10 Deforestation failure sounds climate alarm
06.05.10 Illegal logging in Indonesia costing U.S. jobs-report
06.05.10 Forest and Forest Land Allocation in Vietnam: Some Open Questions
06.05.10 Study on Forest Law Enforcement and REDD in Guyana
06.05.10 REDD, forest governance and rural livelihoods: the emerging agenda
03.05.10 REDD manuals: What is REDD and what to do with REDD?
30.04.10 Illegal logging in Northwest Russia


by Dr. Radut