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20.03.11 Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD+
20.03.11 Carbon storage and forest fire influences in tropical rainforests
13.03.11 Global trade of wood chips was up 25 percent in 2010
13.03.11 Capital Markets and Sustainable Forestry
12.03.11 REDD+, RFM, Development, and Carbon Markets
12.03.11 European Biomass Association Newsletter
04.03.11 Sawlog costs for many sawmills around the world went up during 2010
01.03.11 Promoting Community Forestry Enterprises in National REDD+ Strategies: A Business Approach
26.02.11 Sustainable Forest Management Plan for the Nicola Thompson Fraser Area of British Columbia
26.02.11 UN-REDD Launches New "UN-REDD Report" Series
26.02.11 FAO highlights exemplary forest management in the Dominican Republic and Guyana
24.02.11 Study Compares Carbon Benefits of Forest Management Practices in Oregon
21.02.11 REDD Integrity: Addressing governance and corruption challenges
19.02.11 Report Outlines Promise and Limits of Biomass Energy in the Northeast
19.02.11 The Context of REDD+ in Cameroon
14.02.11 CDM is a work in progress: UN climate chief
14.02.11 UNDP Administrator Emphasizes Safeguards for REDD+ at the launch of Forests 2011
14.02.11 Storm on the horizon? Why World Bank Climate Investment Funds could do more harm than good
09.02.11 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Receives REDD Readiness Preparation Proposals
05.02.11 The role of the World Bank in carbon markets
04.02.11 Supporting small forest enterprises
03.02.11 The US REDD Strategy - geographically
03.02.11 Sustainable Forest Management and Carbon in Tropical Latin America: The Case for REDD+
03.02.11 EU presses for sustainable forest management
03.02.11 Avoided Deforestation (REDD) and Indigenous Peoples
03.02.11 A move from Land ‘Sparing’ to ‘Sharing’ will Balance the Forest - Agriculture Equation
02.02.11 Results of CPET’s 2010 review of forest certification schemes
02.02.11 Report shows how secret land deals can fail to benefit African nations – and how to make them better
24.01.11 New Study Suggests Global Pacts Like REDD Ignore Primary Causes of Destruction of Forests
24.01.11 Financing REDD Partnership by UNDP
24.01.11 An Introduction to Forest Governance, People and REDD+ in Latin America: Obstacles and Opportunities
22.01.11 Stewardship Agreements to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) in Indonesia
21.01.11 Reporting REDD+: a journalist's guide
16.01.11 Lessons from REDD+ for Agriculture
16.01.11 Brief: In the aftermath of a REDD+ bilateral agreement
11.01.11 Deputy Envoy for Climate Change Gives Post-Cancun Update
04.01.11 Kyrgyzstan: Capacity Building for National Forest and Tree Resource Assessment and Monitoring
02.01.11 Sustainable Forest Management for Poverty Reduction Through Agroforestry Options
30.12.10 Wood prices in Canadian East much higher than in the West
30.12.10 Forests for food security and livelihood sustainability: Policy problems and opportunities for small farmers in Nepal
25.12.10 REDD in the Congo – new report from World Rainforest Movement
22.12.10 Contracting for Carbon
22.12.10 Building Forest Carbon Projects
22.12.10 Developing Social and Environmental Safeguards for REDD+
22.12.10 What REDD can Learn from Soybeans and Corn
20.12.10 Jagdeo upset at ‘junk economics’ report
20.12.10 California's Historic Vote on Climate Change and REDD
18.12.10 Sustainability Impact Assessments for Europe
18.12.10 Agriculture and deforestation: What role should REDD+ and public support policies play?


by Dr. Radut