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April 2012

Issue date: 
30 March 2012

Methodology Revisions: Current Versions Valid Until 30 September

As part of our ongoing work to ensure all program elements meet or exceed evolving best practice, VCS has determined that several methodologies require minor revisions to conform with latest VCS requirements on standardized methods and the timing of crediting from select carbon pools.

Issue date: 
January 31, 2012

TerraCarbon issues Forest Carbon Market update, January 2012

TerraCarbon has issued its January 2012 edition of the Forest Carbon Market Update.  Highlights include a look at global carbon prices and twelve market developments to look for in 2012.

Issue date: 
March 26, 2012

New research can save tropical forests

Scientists from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have investigated how much carbon the natural forests of Sri Lanka contain.

Issue date: 

Better Forest Data Lends Confidence to Carbon Markets

A study published in Nature Climate Change this week measured both the biomass of different types of tropical forests and the emissions lost via deforestation, providing more accurate data than was previously

by Dr. Radut