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April 2012

Issue date: 
April 11, 2012

Sappi Strives to Take the Guilt Out of Paper

Sappi Fine Paper North America has released eQ Journal 004, an in-depth look at sustainable forestry.

Issue date: 
17 April 2012

Forester slams sustainable forest management claims

Claims of sustainable management of Guyana’s forests made by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment are false even for one of the best-known timbers, says John Palmer, a Senior Associate of the Forest Management Trust.

Issue date: 
April 20, 2012

Province considers 'option' of over-riding chief forester to supply mills with timber

A leaked Ministry of Forests document reveals a proposal that the B.C. government override the top official charged with managing the province's forests to find a timber supply for Burns Lake.

Issue date: 
April 21, 2012

British Columbia: Mid-Term Timber Supply Project

In response to concerns expressed by local communities, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations staff have been analyzing potential opportunities to increase timber supply.

Issue date: 
06 February 2012

Timber industry notes drought losses

Jan. 19, 2012 - According to the Texas Forestry Service, East Texas has an abundance of forestland. Individual East Texans own about 64 percent of the forestland, with Timber Investment Management Organizations, forest industry and government owning the rest.

by Dr. Radut