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September 2013

Issue date: 

Europas Fleischhunger vernichtete zehntausende Quadratkilometer Wald

Zwischen 1990 und 2008 90.000 Quadratkilometer Wald für Agrarprodukte für Europa abgeholzt

Issue date: 

EC Study "The impact of EU consumption on deforestation"


Deforestation is the permanent conversion of forest land into other uses. The main drivers  of worldwide deforestation are agricultural expansion, logging, expansion of urban areas, and natural or human-induced disasters (e.g. wildfire).

Issue date: 
18 September 2013

Heavily logged forests still valuable for tropical wildlife

New research has found rainforests that have been logged several times continue to hold substantial value for biodiversity and could have a role in conservation.

Issue date: 
13 September 2013

Forestry Ministry to review cooperation with foreign agencies

Indonesia will reconsider its cooperation with the World Wild Fund (WWF) and other foreign agencies for their failure to help manage the country`s forests effectively, according to Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Issue date: 
September 16

How tropical forests speed their own recovery

Washington: A new study has revealed that tropical forests speed their own recovery by capturing nitrogen and carbon faster after being logged or cleared for agriculture.

Issue date: 
September 11, 2013

Lawmaker Accuses WWF of Instigating Harrison Ford Ministry Row

Issue date: 
September 10, 2013

FAO National Forest Programme Facility Transitions to Landscape Approach

September 2013: Following a decade of allocating hundreds of small grants to strengthen the participation of stakeholders in developing national forest programmes, the National Forest Programme Facility of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) will continue as the Forest and Farm

Issue date: 

Oil drilling in Yasuni creates tension between Germany and Ecuador

After Ecuador announced it would drill for oil in its pristine Yasuni National Park while blaming international donors for failed conservation efforts, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has now canceled German aid.

Issue date: 
September 2, 2013

Communities need more than money to stop clearing their forests, new research shows

According to a recent study funded by the World Bank and published in Science magazine, tropical land use change was responsible fo

Issue date: 
August 27,2013

Mitigation without adaptation can leave communities vulnerable — study

BOGOR, Indonesia (27 August, 2013) — Understanding the vulnerability of forest-dependent communities is a point of departure for building more effective climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, a study has found.

by Dr. Radut