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CEPF called for political commitment to Sustainable Forest Management (.eu)

External Reference/Copyright
Issue date: 
June 20, 2011
Publisher Name: 
Go For Wood
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Family forestry seeks solutions to the current challenges by continuing to uphold the forest owners’ commitment to sustainable forest management (SFM). The CEPF General Assembly 2011 dwelled on several major policy developments affecting forestry. Integration of SFM into these was indicated as the best way to strengthen the forest sector position in a challenging economy and environment.

CEPF General Assembly took place on 19th of May in Kongsberg, Norway. More than 30 participants attended the meeting, kindly hosted by the Norwegian Forest Owners' Federation.
Keynote presentation by Ms. Malgorzata Buszko-Briggs from Forest Europe shed light on the need for strengthening political commitment to sustainable forest management. The necessity of integrating SFM into other EU legislation and processes was also underlined by Mr. Christer Segerstéen, CEPF President:

We need to build a bridge between the SMF principles and other policies. By continuing to uphold the forest owners’ commitment to sustainable forest management we all can be part of the solution to the current societal challenges, including climate change, renewable energy and an overall need for the transition towards a green economy. We have exercised this on the ground for decades. This should, however, be recognized by politicians and the society at large as well, underlined Mr. Segerstéen.  

Discussion dwelled on the intensified policy developments that in many ways affect forestry as well as the decisions of individual forest owners. Participants took note of a variety of CEPF initiatives to position the family forestry in a challenging economy and environment. The linkages between forests and sustainable development have been tightening up under the Commission and the Forest Europe initiatives (a review process for the Forestry Strategy, the Green book, a legally binding agreement on forests). The Brussels political scene has been dominated by the EU 2020 Strategy and its flagship theme on resource efficiency. These developments were reflected by the Annual Report in order to guide the current and future CEPF working agenda. The Report will be soon available at our homepage.

The General Assembly unanimously approved the new board. It has representatives from 10 countries.  Mr. Segerstéen continues as the president. As they left the board, Mr. Helge Ejvu and Mr. Fernando Molina received CEPF’s sincere appreciation for supporting the board activities in past years. Mr. Segerstéen welcomed also new members Mr. Francisco Carreño from Spain and Mr. Juha Marttila from Finland.

In addition, CEPF has gained two new members. The General Assembly approved an application of national forest owner organisations from Slovenia and Rumania. CEPF welcomes the new members and looks forward to a continuing close cooperation.

Participants were also presented with the results of the Microfuel project, showcasing an innovative approach to energy generation. The project developed technology to support the use of biomass energy based on forest floor residues. A new possibility for forest owners and development of jobs in rural areas were discussed. A filed trip in forests of the mountainous area of Kongsberg summed up our fruitful visit to Norway.



Extpub | by Dr. Radut