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Markus Sommerauer's blog

Exportierst du schon oder pennst du noch? Eine durchaus berechtigte Frage an Österreichs Holzindustrie...

26. Mai 2010: Die vor kurzem aufgrund der Wirtschaftskrise lancierte "neue Holzexportstrategie" der österreichischen Holzindustrie, welche kurz gefasst und wörtlich wiedergegeben "sich auf den Vorgarten Österreichs, der Schwarzmeerregion" konzentrieren wird, scheint vor dem Hintergrund der folgenden Pressemeldung zumindest hinterfragenswert:

Good-Governance is a substantial part of any national REDD+ program...

In the draft UNFCCC REDD+ text that came out of the negotiations last year in Copenhagen, three of seven safeguards to be supported and promoted when undertaking REDD+ activities relate to governance:

2(b) Transparent and effective national forest governance structures...

2(c) Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local

Survival of the fittest – also true for the forest, paper and packaging industry?

PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) published its annual review of the Forest, Paper and Packaging industry in January 2010

Named “Forest, paper and packaging: CEO perspectives <of the year>”, PWC is doing quite a challenging annual job. And every year the report is coming up with astonishing intimate insights. But let us have a closer look to the latest report (the 2010 version):

REDD+, deforestation and illegal logging - how do these things fit toegether?

Sounds to be a simple question - but it isn't:

Banning illegally logged timber will curb deforestation - this is the very simplistic message of Caroline Lucas MEP: UK Green Steps Up Fight Against Illegal Logging In Euro-Parliament:

Paris talks keep up REDD+ momentum

A conference bringing together more than 60 nations Thursday added $1 billion to the fight against deforestation and boosted the morale of those hoping to save the world's forests — a key defense against global warming.

Three months after a morose ending to climate change talks in Copenhagen, the one-day ministerial meeting in Paris attended by heavily forested countries such as Indonesia and those in the Amazon and Congo basins amounted to a confidence-builder for nations wondering what comes next in the battle against deforestation, many delegates said.

Klimaschutz Anschubfinanzierung der EU Staaten

Klimaschutzanschubfinanzierung für die Jahre 2010, 2011 und 2010 innerhalb der EU:

Die EU hat bis 2012 in Kopenhagen eine jährliche Klimaschutzanschubfinanzierung von 2,4 Milliarden EUR zugesagt.

UNEP Report: REDD and Renewables are key...

A new study, launched on the eve of UNEP's Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum taking place in Bali, Indonesia, has analyzed the pledges of 60 developed and developing economies (more Information on the 11th Special Session of the UNEP GC/GMEF)


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by Dr. Radut