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Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie

Issue date: 
Feb 11, 2011

M-real has signed UN Global Compact's CEO Water Mandate

Espoo, Finland, Feb 11, 2011 - M-real Corporation’s, part of Metsäliitto Group, business is based on sustainability. The company has in recent years actively developed e.g. lightweight board and paper products which are produced with less fibre, water and energy.

As a natural step in its work to decrease water as well as energy usage M-real has now signed UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate that encourages companies to pay systematically attention to sustainable water usage.

Issue date: 
Feb 11, 2011

Forest industry in 2010: Production up 12% in Finland

Finland, Feb 11, 2011 - The forest industry of Finland recorded annual production increase of some 12% in 2010, but production volume did not yet rise to the level achieved in 2008.

Pulp and paper industry production was up about 11% and the wood products industry’s production increased by some 14%. The continuation of this positive development after industry companies have finished implementing structural changes will depend on whether or not domestic costs are kept in check.

Issue date: 
February 12, 2011

Outlook for the paper industry from Thirdpoint

An outlook for the paper industry was published from the investment adviser Thirdpoint. The firm commented factors like the black liquor tax credit, recycled vs Virgin fiber, softwood vs hardwood pulp and the industry consoldiation in their latest newsletter.

Issue date: 
Feb. 14, 2011

Prospects generally improving for the world pulp and paper industry in 2011

Issue date: 

Andritz negotiates new major order in Uruguay

Andritz informs about new orders: The company and Montes del Plata, a joint venture company of Stora Enso and Arauco, are in advanced negotiations towards concluding a contract for supply of production technologies and equipment for the new pulp mill of Montes del Plata in Punta Pereira, Uruguay (capacity: 1.3 million t/a eucalyptus market pulp), Andritz says. It was agreed not disclose the order value; however typical order values of comparable reference projects are between 750 to 800 mn Euros, Andritz says.

Issue date: 
February 5, 2011

Consolidation going on among the Nordic newspaper companies

Will there be a new joint-venture?

Issue date: 
07 February 2011

The shareholders of Arkhangelsk PPM to discuss the Pulp Mill Holding proposal

The Board of Directors of Arkhangelsk PPM has decided to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on March 9, 2011. As reported by the company, the meeting will be held in vote in absentia principle. The shareholders shall give their approval to major interrelated transactions.

Issue date: 
02 February 2011

25 % of light-weight coated paper in Russia will be produced in Perm Territory

KAMA Pulp and paper mill (Krasnokamsk, Perm Territory) which is a part of Investlesprom Group will become the first company in Russia to produce light-weight coated paper.

Issue date: 
February 2, 2011

WWF launch new tool for paper purchases

Issue date: 
Feb 01, 2011

Metso supplies pulp mill equipment for Eldorado Celulose e Papel in Brazil

Brazil, Feb 01, 2011 - Metso will supply a new recovery boiler and evaporation plant for Eldorado Celulose e Papel S.A.’s new greenfield pulp mill investment in Três Lagoas, Brazil. The value of the order is not disclosed. The order will be included in Energy and Environmental Technology’s Q4/2010 orders received. The start-up of the new plant is scheduled for Q4/2012.


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by Dr. Radut