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BONN 2011: REDD+ status and results achieved so far

Duly to yearly climate change negotiations on technical level in Bonn, Germany some stakeholders have published their view on the state of negotiations. Below you will find some interesting excerpt of documentes published so far:


1. There is good paper from Carbon TradeWatch describing the key players in REDD+ negotiations.

IUFRO came up with a new report on REDD


IUFRO came up with a new study about REDD. It's an impressive pack of information and a lots of background info.

And of course people immediately started to interpret their own thoughts and ideas on the "results" of this study.

Here is an overview of what people are reading out of the study:

Issue date: 
January 4th, 2011

USA: Biomass Crop Assistance Program

On December 15 2010, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released all the documents necessary to kick off the implementation of the Biomass Crop Assistance Program. Biomass conversion facilities can now apply for qualifying status.

REDD+: The war over forests - all against all

One week of Cancun talks have passed by and I just can't stop wondering!

Seems the world gets more wired any time when people meet for negotiations on what should happen to forests.

Issue date: 
November 17, 2010

Integrating FSC certification in REDD+ projects: guidelines for Project Developer - NEW PUBLICATION

This guideline consists of a set of concepts, guidelines and procedures useful for integrating the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Forest Management certification into the organization of REDD+ projects.

The guideline is divided into three main sections:

REDD+: Development Aid, Neocolonialism or Anticipatory Obedience towards do-gooder NGOs?

Climate change mitigation support to emerging or developing countries should be given by western industrialized (so called ANNEX I) countries. In Copenhagen leaders of the world have agreed to start some financing activities in the fields of climate change aid. Our bosses had been in the opinion that it would make sense to immediately start these financing activities and therefore called it “fast start funding” or “fast start financing of climate change mitigation”.


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by Dr. Radut