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The European Union (EU) isn't able (or willing) to get the idea of Forests issues...

October 2015: The Guardian simply ignores knowledge related to illegal logging and deforestation and furthermore isn't addressing the core problem of the EU FLEGT/EUTR/VPA initiative. Seems the just ongoing evaluation of the FLEGT/VPA/EUTR initiative will also not address the core problem and will just address the mismanagement of the process. There is still no political will to end this disingenuous campaign...

All that glistens is not REDD+

“Put the buzzwords deforestation, degradation, indigenous people and local communities, stakeholder process and carbon inventory in the terms of reference of your next forests based project and you can classify this project as a REDD+ project!”

Issue date: 
July 2, 2010

US$8.7 million approved for UN-REDD’s Global Activities

In a recent intersessional decision on 25 June, the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board approved the budget for an additional US$8.7 million to fund global activities aimed at supporting national REDD+ readiness efforts.

What are the best performers doing differently?

RISI - Christer Idhammar - May 31, 2010:


USA, Mai. 31, 2010 (RISI) - Here a best performer is defined as an industrial plant that has achieved a high reliability and fast throughput of manufactured products and as a consequence, manufacturing costs, including maintenance costs, are low.

Exportierst du schon oder pennst du noch? Eine durchaus berechtigte Frage an Österreichs Holzindustrie...

26. Mai 2010: Die vor kurzem aufgrund der Wirtschaftskrise lancierte "neue Holzexportstrategie" der österreichischen Holzindustrie, welche kurz gefasst und wörtlich wiedergegeben "sich auf den Vorgarten Österreichs, der Schwarzmeerregion" konzentrieren wird, scheint vor dem Hintergrund der folgenden Pressemeldung zumindest hinterfragenswert:

Good-Governance is a substantial part of any national REDD+ program...

In the draft UNFCCC REDD+ text that came out of the negotiations last year in Copenhagen, three of seven safeguards to be supported and promoted when undertaking REDD+ activities relate to governance:

2(b) Transparent and effective national forest governance structures...

2(c) Respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and members of local


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by Dr. Radut