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Issue date: 
March 9

Chile quake may cut forestry pulp exports 15 pct-report

SANTIAGO, March 9 (Reuters) - Chile's key forestry sector may see exports fall by around 15 percent this year after a giant earthquake destroyed processing plants, an industry executive told the daily Diario Financiero.

Issue date: 
Mär. 8, 2010

Want to install a new paper machine? First fire the engineers!

BARCELONA, Mär. 8, 2010 (RISI) - Both the European and North American paper industries are at a crossroads. Declining paper demand appears to be the big predicament but it is really not the only one nor the most important.

Issue date: 
March 4, 2010

The Wrong Kind of Green

Why did America's leading environmental groups jet to Copenhagen and lobby for policies that will lead to the faster death of the rainforests--and runaway global warming? Why are their lobbyists on Capitol Hill dismissing the only real solutions to climate change as "unworkable" and "unrealistic," as though they were just another sooty tentacle of Big Coal?

Issue date: 
8th March 2010

Sappi says SA power crunch coming

South African paper group Sappi, which is to supply state utility Eskom with 45 MW power from its plants, said on Friday companies should prepare for another power crunch by cutting their reliance on Eskom and on fossil fuel wherever possible.

Issue date: 
March 6, 2010

Finding a new way in the woods

Ailing forest economy unites first nations and businesses in B.C.'s northwest to create value from low-quality wood. A federation of first nations and independent loggers is forging a new type of forestry in northwestern B.C. by rebuilding their economy from the bottom up.

Issue date: 
Mar 6, 2010

Sawmills worry axe may fall over wood shortage

A strong franc and a weak market are chipping away at the Swiss timber industry. Sawmill owners say they fear a looming wood shortage and possible layoffs.

Issue date: 
5th March 2010

Technology boom – a potential threat to industry

The technological boom poses a potential threat for the pulp and paper industry in that, globally, more people are turning to digital media rather than newsprint. Pulp and paper producer Sappi is responding to this threat with its own initiatives.

Issue date: 
5th March 2010

The South African Forestry Sector: an overview

The South African paper, pulp and board industry has consistently increased exports of paper and board and maintained imports at similar levels for the past three years, despite facing a number of challenges, says Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (Pamsa) executive director

Issue date: 
3 March 2010

The road from Copenhagen to Cancún

Writing for Carbon Positive, Michael Zammit Cutajar,  who was Chair of the key UN negotiating group at Copenhagen on long-term cooperative action, assesses negotiating prospects in 2010 in the lead up to Mexico talks at the end of the year...

Issue date: 
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Black Liquor Scorecard: 21 Companies Earned $6.5 Billion in 2009

The $6.5 billion in controversial black-liquor credits earned in 2009 by 21 publicly traded pulp and paper companies was far more than their total profit for the year.

Despite the government’s unintended largesse, the 21 companies had combined net income of about $3 billion, according to an exclusive Dead Tree Edition analysis of documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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by Dr. Radut