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External News

Issue date: 
Feb 24, 2010

F-11 countries call for mobilzation of financial resources

Nusa Dua, Feb 24 (ANTARA) - F-11 countries have called for mobilization of the financial resources of developed countries through the establishment of mechanisms such as REDD-plus.

Issue date: 
Feb 19 2010

Stora Enso to establish pulp mill biorefinery project with Metso and Domtar

Feb 19 2010  Stora Enso has signed a research and development cooperation agreement with Metso and Domtar to establish a consortium to develop a pulp mill biorefinery.

Issue date: 
Thursday, February 18th, 2010

Making the Most of Climate Finance: A Development Perspective

The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference underscored the urgent need to make additional financing for adaptation and mitigation available to developing countries. As we all know, the needs are enormous.

Issue date: 
Monday, 22 February 2010

REDD challenges show up in Sumatra

The practical challenges of successfully tackling deforestation and restoring forests in developing countries have been highlighted by problems facing an otherwise successful forestry programme in Indonesia. One of the country’s model community forestry projects is now being compromised by illegal logging with action so far taken by authorities not enough to halt it even though laws exist to do so, the Jakarta Post reports.

Der Weilhart und seine Geschichte

Die meisten Umgebungsgemeinden des oberen Innviertels stehen auf ehemaligem Weilhartboden. Der Wald erstreckte sich ursprünglich von der Salzach im Westen (St. Radegund und Tarsdorf) bis Neukirchen und Feldkirchen im Osten. Besitzer des Weilharts waren zuerst fränkische Könige, dann bis 768 die Agilufinger (die ersten Herzöge in Bayern), unter der Regierung Kaiser Karls des Großen 768 bis 814 war er Reichsforst, und anschließend kam er wieder in Besitz der bayerischen Herzöge. Im Jahr 899 hieß der Wald „Wilhart", im zwölften Jahrhundert ..Willenhart".

Issue date: 
Feb 18 2010

AGORA builds capacities in forestry in Morocco and Tunisia

AGORA project brings together scientists and policy-makers to build new forest research capacities in Tunisia and Morocco based on effective transfer of scientific knowledge from Portugal, Italy, Spain, France and Turkey.

Issue date: 
February 17, 2010

Asian forestry giant takes second look at Mackenzie pulp mill

Rising commodity prices are spurring new interest by Asian forestry giant Sinar Mas in the shuttered Mackenzie pulp mill.

Issue date: 
17 Feb 2010

Green, Greener, Greenest: Washington and Business Battle Over Policy Choices

The U.S. forest industry is learning it's no longer easy being green—and that might not be a bad thing when it comes to government support during tough economic times.

Issue date: 
Feb 18 2010

Södra’s 2010 target: One million hectares FSC

Feb 18 2010  Södra aims to have one million hectares of its members’ forests certified in accordance with the FSC standard by the end of 2010. This is in addition to the PEFC certification already held.

Issue date: 
Thursday, 18 February 2010

Big hopes for Russian timber industry recovery

Demand and production declining in the woodworking industry reached the lowest point. However, with this stage passed, manufacturers and authorities are to invest more in modernization, construction and infrastructure in order to return back to the pre-crisis indicators.


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by Dr. Radut