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Issue date: 
22 February 2010

WBCSD: Sustainable Forest Finance Toolkit Now Available

Geneva, 22 February 2010 - PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have launched the Sustainable Forest Finance Toolkit, which aims to support the finance sector in

Issue date: 
March 2, 2010

Chilean earthquake could cause pulp supply crisis and escalating prices

The Chilean earthquake and resultant reduction in pulp supply comes at a time when pulp markets are already very tight with Chinese customers on allocation. The immediate impact is likely to be higher pulp prices leading to higher paper prices. NBSK pulp prices are already at US$890/tonne.

Issue date: 

EU summit annouces €7.2 bln infusion in adaptation funding for poor nations, eliciting cautious applause

COPENHAGEN – EU leaders meeting in Brussels ground through late night talks in a two day summit to arrive at a figure of € 7.2 billion over the next three years in so-called “fast start” funding for poorer nations and developing countries to adapt to climate chan

Issue date: 
Thursday, 25 February 2010

New Zealand leads on forest carbon

While cap-and-trade legislation stalls in the US and Australia, Copenhagen’s limited progress holds back REDD, and the inflexibilities of the Kyoto Protocol’s CDM keeps a lid on reforestation act

Issue date: 
Mar 1, 2010

Payments for Forest Conservation

I spent a good chunk of last week working with US and Mexican colleagues, looking at data from a forest conservation program in Mexico. This “Payment for Environmental Services” (PES) program is in the highly threatened area where Monarch butterflies stay over winter.

Issue date: 
Mar. 1, 2010

China Forestry buys RMB 464-mln forest asset

Mar. 1, 2010 (China Knowledge) - China Forestry Holdings Co Ltd has announced that it will spend RMB 464 million to purchase rights in a forest in Ninglang County, Yunnan Province.

Issue date: 
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Calculating the value of carbon in trees

Delegates at the global climate summit failed to figure out a way to stop the destruction of the world's forests. But some lawmakers think they have a solution, and it relies on financing from some of America's biggest polluters.

Issue date: 
Friday, February 26, 2010

Conservation projects displace locals

Several years ago three U.S. companies sank millions of dollars into a forest reserve in southern Brazil to earn credits to cover some of their carbon emissions back in America. How does the scheme work on the ground? Michael Montgomery reports in collaboration with Mark Schapiro.

Issue date: 

The Forest Leakage Problem

By Reimund Schwarze, John O. Niles, and Jacob Olander

Issue date: 
26 February 2010

EU rules out binding green criteria for biomass

The European Commission yesterday (25 February) ruled out binding EU-wide sustainability criteria for biomass, offering member states recommendations for national action instead.


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by Dr. Radut