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EU Parliamentarian worried about the EU forest policy

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Issue date: 
April 1, 2011
Publisher Name: 
Timber Community
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A common and regulated forest policy for all EU countries can be a threat to the Swedish forestry warned European parlamentarian Lena Ek (C) at the Swedish Forestry Board meeting - reports online magazine Corren. The parlamentarian described policymakers in Brussels with no experience of  forestry, but they will during the spring prepare a comprehensive forest strategy for all of Europe.

- It's about how much the EU will regulate the forest sector and how much should be managed at the national level. The situation is worrying for us, since Sweden must be considered a model in foresty according to Mrs Ek. Mrs Ek pointed out that there is a regulatory frenzy in Brussels, which, among other things is related to the "profoundly mismanaged" forest in southern Europe. The result could be just as thoroughly regulated forestry as the agriculture industry. 

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Extpub | by Dr. Radut