Suriname: Forest Resource assement 2010
In many tropical countries forest are destroyed to expand timber, mining and agricultural industries and are affected by infrastructure investments such roads and dams. Deforestation rates in Suriname have been historically low due to the low population pressure and relative remoteness. Suriname’s status as High Forest Low Deforestation (HFLD) country is set to change if planned infrastructure investments (a hydrodam, a road to Brazil and agriculture extension with prospects for biofuels) through the heart of the country realize, moreover, if low institutional capacity and environmental regulations continue inhibiting the capacity response of governments to control the destruction of tropical forest overlapping greenstone deposits.
Analytical and empirical studies have shown that an important determinant of deforestation is the improved access to previously inaccessible forested areas alongside low governance gradients with high socio-economic value. Timely information about the underlying and proximate drivers of actual and
future deforestation and on the location and extent of expected deforestation is one condition to properly manage this process of forest cover destruction. Therefore, this study uses spatial deforestation models to assess the influence of environmental drivers on forest cover change and to project future deforestation trends.
During the first stage of this project, forest cover maps were developed for 2005 and 2009 based on Landsat 5TM images. The resulting forest cover maps were used in a spatial explicit model which calculates forest change rates and simulates deforestation between 2009 and 2020 based on the spatial distribution of spatial variables and a historical deforestation scenario assuming that deforestation trajectories into the future will continue under the historical trend found between the period analyzed.
The model demonstrates how land use, infrastructure, socio-economic aspects and biophysical features drive forest loss in Suriname. With the outcomes of this research the researchers expect to be able to demonstrate the potential of this type of studies to visualize the effects of land use decisions on forest conservation along future infrastructure developments in the country, and to inform these decisions so that they minimize undue negative impacts on forest-dependent people and forest.
Key words: Suriname, simulation of deforestation, drivers of forest change, infrastructure investments.
Implications of a potential REDD+ mechanism in Suriname
Towards a carbon balance for forests in Suriname:
Authors: Arets, E.J.J.M., Kruijt, B., Tjon, K., Atmopawiro, V.P., van Kanten, R.F., Crabbe, S., Banki, O. & Ruysschaert, S.
Currently Suriname is developing systems for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). The goal of the study reported in this report is to support the development of an adequate MRV system for forest carbon in Suriname, with a focus on monitoring and reporting carbon stocks from field sampling. Based on available existing field data, allometric functions and expansion factors, above ground biomass and carbon stocks were assessed for a number of forest types. Using the data from a long-term logging experiment at the CELOS-Kabo site, changes in carbon stocks were quantified over time and under different intensities of selective logging. A review of carbon budget estimates across the Amazon were used to put the results for Suriname in a broader perspective. Finally an overview of methods to quantify and monitor forest carbon stocks at different scales is presented and discussed.
Sustainable Management of Tropical Rainforests: The CELOS Management System
Authors: Marinus J.A. Werger (ed.)
This book, with contributions from 25 authors, tells in brief the history of forestry in Suriname and some other tropical countries. It reveals how the work on forestry in Suriname led to the development of a potentially sustainable forest management system, integrating a harvesting and a silvicultural system. And it documents the long-term effects of applying this system as apparent from a great deal of research in experimental forest stands of CELOS in Suriname. This information holds the evidence to determine the potential of the CELOS Management System to serve as a model for other systems of sustainable management of tropical forests in Suriname and beyond, particularly in other Latin American countries in the region with similar forests.