Comparative Study on REDD: Recommendations for Action
This study analyses similarities and differences in conditions and factors relevant for the implementation of REDD+ activities in a group of 26 Latin American, African and Asian countries. It aims to assist donors, governments, NGOs and private sector actors in understanding national and regional circumstances when elaborating REDD+ strategies, in particular during the initial identification of priorities and lines of action. The study offers an assessment of the situation of these countries with respect to their interest and readiness to participate in REDD+, as well as a broader analysis of the potential environmental and social impacts of carrying out REDD+ activities.
The countries considered in this document are Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, Colombia, Congo DR, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao, Liberia, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia.
Topics that are analyzed include: the interest shown by governments (both national and subnational) in the subject (recognizing that this may change rapidly); the ‘readiness’ levels (e.g. technical capacities, perceived governance, demonstration activities, economic capacity; the environmental relevance of carrying out REDD+ activities (potential carbon benefits and biodiversity loss); and, the potential social impacts of REDD+ interventions (e.g. by reviewing the proportion of forests owned and/or managed by indigenous peoples and communities).
Depending on policy decisions actions could focus on one or various REDD+-relevant aspects, for instance, maximizing climate change mitigation, conserving biodiversity, ensuring social benefits or achieving multiple benefits.
An alternative approach to setting priority actions is to focus on the types of capacities that are most needed. Under this approach, the technical capacities to be supported as high priority would be those related to the development of forest inventories, and secondly capacity building for GHG inventory development.
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