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SCA Ortviken’s new pulp plant inaugurated

June 24 2009  “We need strong companies that can make long-term investments even in the bad times,” said Bo Källstrand, County Governor, when he inaugurated the new mechanical pulping line at SCA's Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall, Sweden. The plant represents an investment of nearly one billion Kronor.

SCA’s CEO, Jan Johansson, highlighted the Ortviken mill as a good example of how SCA has invested to increase the degree of processing and the value of the products it produces.

“We will continue to increase the portion of high-added-value publication papers. But this involves major investments, and we must choose the right time taking into account the business climate and market development,” Jan Johansson said, thereby indicating that the planned new paper machione at Ortviken mill still is a possible investment, but that no decision in the matter can be expected at the moment.

The Ortviken paper mill produces about 375,000 tons of newsprint and 480,000 tons of coated publication papers (LWC). Since 1996, when the latest paper machine came on stream in the mill, paper production has increased by 50 percent, without any major investments. Production of mechanical pulp became a bottleneck for continued production increase.

“All of our four paper machines have been supplied from one pulp plant,” said Kristina Enander, mill manager at the Ortviken paper mill. “We have then had to prepare the pulp for the paper grades we produce."

With the new pulp plant, SCA Ortviken can continue to increase production. It will also provide the possibility of improved product quality and resources management, since the pulp can now be customized for the paper grade to be produced.

“We can continue to develop the mill and we have a favourable platform for continued investments,” said Kristina Enander.



Issued by: Papernet.SE



Issue date: 24 June 2009

Link to Article: Origin of this text


Extpub | by Dr. Radut