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International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

A3P has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator Joe Ludwig, that the Gillard Government will introduce legislation restricting the importation and sale of illegally logged timber.A3P CEO Richard Stanton said “we are gratified that the...

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Switzerland-based Global Wood Holding will invest 900 million euros to grow Eucalyptus trees in Tunisia and export the wood to Europe, creating 45,000 jobs reports World Environmemt News.  The project will be sited on 160,000 hectares in the Tunisian desert some 500 km (310 miles) south of Tunis...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The forest society will load 2500 cubic meters of timber from the province on a cargo ship to Finland. Forest Society (Skogssälskapet) in Sweden export pulpwood when prices are higher abroad and many countries import timber to avoid having to raise prices at home market.

EFI | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The new EFI brochure introduces the Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessments (ToSIA). This new decision-support software tool will assist policy makers, business planners and other stakeholders to make informed decisions on issues related to the use of forest resources and wood products.

RISI | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

BOSTON, MA, Dez. 17, 2010 (RISI) - The pulp market has come off the boil in recent months, with the bleached hardwood kraft (BHK) market clearly weakening more than the softwood (BSK) market. Pulp prices were widely expected to drop in the first-half of the year, and early on there...

Small Donations | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The deal U.N. climate negotiators reached last week in Cancún is modest, but the gathering’s dramatic conclusion does restore confidence in the U.N. process, which was limping badly after last year’s fiasco in Copenhagen.

IDDRI | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Agriculture is central to REDD+ When over 83% of new cropland areas in the tropical zone came at the expense of natural forests over the 1980-2000 period, and when the food challenge is becoming increasingly urgent, the REDD+ mechanism must find the means to tackle this sector of activity.  ...

RISI | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

NOTTINGHAM, UK, Dez. 15, 2010 (Press Release) - When I first heard that WWF had launched their own version of PDF software that won't allow printing of documents, I'm afraid I did not take it very seriously. After all, we all demand...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The forest industry is important for the economic development of South Africa. Now SIDA grant 3.9 million SEK to investigate the best fast-growing tree species for planting in Africa. The goal of this project is to identify drought tolerant fast growing tree that can produce wood of sufficient...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Those who have invested in Finnish shares in the past year have made a great deal. The General index at the Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland, has risen by 15 percent in one year and the charts are easy to find stocks that have risen 50-60 percent or more. The brightest stars are found in...

Forestry Nepal | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The community forestry program in Nepal has been advancing as a successful means of improving the condition of forests. However, as in other areas around the world, Nepal’s community forestry initiative continues to face unresolved equity issues. This paper seeks to explore underlying causes of...

Forestry Investment Blog | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

In the past, agriculture was used exclusively to produce food, but now we are turning to crops as a source for energy use. Nowadays everyone is familiar with the argument s relating to the environment and how the energy we use directly affects are surroundings. People are conscious of the...

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

March 2010: Global Witness, a non-governmental organization (NGO) representing civil society on the UN-REDD Policy Board, has submitted an assessment of the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Readiness-Preparation Proposals (R-PPs) and Joint Program Documents (JPDs) of the...

World Resources Institute | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

On December 11, the Cancun climate talks concluded with the Cancun Agreements, a set of decisions that will move international action on climate change forward. A turning point for international climate negotiations, the Agreements solidify the role of the United Nations Framework Convention on...

IIED | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

National REDD strategies must be based on local, not government, control, say opinion leaders from ten countries in the IIED-facilitated Forest Governance Learning Group.

Kaieteur News | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The UN Climate Summit in Cancun, which ended last weekend, has agreed on a deal that would get rich countries to pay poor countries like Guyana to protect forests, but explicit details on where the money would come from, who will get paid and how the scheme would be monitored were left out. A...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Seattle, USA. Over the past year, the sawmilling sector in Europe has shifted from high production levels and the highest lumber prices in four years, to weakening lumber demand and reduced prices for many lumber grades during this fall.

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Pöyry, the Finnish-based multinational which occupies a prominent position in developing worldswide projects in the pulp and paper sector, agreed to buy 60% of Silviconsult, the second largest Brazilian company in the forest industry. The transaction, whose value is not disclosed, will result...

REUTERS | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

(Reuters) - The European Union wants to delay a deal to use carbon markets to reward countries which protect their tropical forests, beyond U.N. climate talks in Cancun, said EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard. The aim of a U.N. deal on tropical forests is to pay countries which...


by Dr. Radut