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Nopheasasaki | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Inclusion of improved forest management as a way to enhance carbon sinks in the Copenhagen Accord of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (December 2009) suggests that forest restoration will play a role in global climate change mitigation under the post-Kyoto agreement....

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Policy issues and lessons from developing national forest financing strategies in Latin America Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Bogor, Indonesia

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Vyborgskaya Cellulose, a Russian pulp and paper maker, said that it expected to start producing pellets that can be used in heat and electricity generation from its plant in Vyborg by the end of the year reports Tree Frog Daily Forestry NewsThe plant, located in northwest Russia, will...

World Growth | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

CANCUN – Proposals by wealthy countries to restrict access to forest areas in developing countries in the name of climate change will have a detrimental effect upon the world’s poor, according to a new report by pro-development NGO World Growth.

The Telegraph | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) scheme is currently being negotiated at the United Nations climate change conference in Cancun, Mexico. UN officials hope that energy and major industrial companies affected by the European Union carbon-trading...

Timbercommunity | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Yeast makes it possible to extract up to 40 percent more ethanol than before from cellulose-based raw materials from agriculture and forestry. After years of tests in laboratories ethanol company Sekab can prove that the new yeast works on a large scale reports the Swedish Science Radio.

Timbercommunity | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Brazilian Valonline reports today that Marcelo Castelli, director at Fibria Cellulose SA with eucalyptus plantings in the city Três Lagoas (In the state Mato Groso de Sul) will maintain the schedule for opening of the second line of factory in 2014. With investments of 5.8 billion real (BRL),...

Bretton Woods Project | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The World Bank’s engagement in carbon finance has expanded from its “pioneering” Prototype Carbon Fund in 1999, which provided the groundwork for a market-based approach to emission reductions. Today, the Bank’s carbon finance portfolio has grown to 12 funds and facilities, managing $2.4...

Timber Industry Magazine | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

More detailed price information, including data broken down by felling type, is to be published by Finland’s forest industry in a bid to help timber sales. The Finnish Forest Industries Federation (FFIF) said the current price information based on the average stumpage price of all standing...

Superiortelegram | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

As a new administration prepares to take office in Madison, with a different attitude toward renewable energy than the Doyle administration, We Energies is pressing forward with plans to build a wood-burning power plant in north-central Wisconsin. The state Public Service Commission will hold a...

BC Local News | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

VANCOUVER - The B.C. government is releasing proposed requirements for forest-based carbon offset projects that could help unlock new revenue for forest managers and help industry reduce emissions, Pat Bell, Minister of Forests, Mines and Lands announced recently.

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

More than one million hectares of prime Amazon Rainforest land in Brazil has been made available for a programme of forestry concessions, according to the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB). The area involved in the programme is spread over seven areas within the states of Rondonia and Pará, and is...

This is Plymouth | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Seven square miles of woodland are to be wiped from the West landscape as the battle to control a virulent tree-killing fungus intensifies. The Forestry Commission and private landowners in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset are being forced into a rapid programme of felling to combat the spread of...

Mondaq | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

The world's forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Not only does this endanger biodiversity and the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities, it is a major contributing factor to global climate change. It is a challenge that needs to be addressed – urgently.

Overseas development Institute | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Seven major bilateral and multilateral funding initiatives have recently been created to support the new concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. This has been proposed as a major international mitigation strategy, seen by many to also hold considerable promise for...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

A second improved forest management (IFM) project methodology has been approved for use with the Voluntary Carbon Standard, an important step in applying carbon market finance to the restoration of degraded native tropical forests. The methodology was produced by project developer Face the...

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Reuters reported this week that Russia and the European Union struck a deal on Wednesday to phase out Russian export tariffs on raw materials.This is designed to smooth the way for Moscow’s entry into the WTO. First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said “We have … an agreement on a text on...

Timbercommunity | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

Industry web Woodnet.se writes a long article about an eco-friendly wood preservative that gives both flame and mold protection, and it is also sustainable. With preservatives the timber gets a permanent protection against both decay as fire.  

Timbercommunity | vor 14 Jahre 3 months

An awareness campaign entitled Go Paper. Grow Trees (TM) from global paper and packaging company  International paper gives consumers the facts on how using paper products makes a direct contribution to the health and growth of trees and the forests. 


by Dr. Radut