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Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

China generates the lion’s share of global offsets under the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), but it doesn't cap its own emissions. It does, however, have its own voluntary carbon standard – the “Panda Standard” – which was unveiled at last year's Climate-Change Conference in...

Aero Ecosystems | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Sept 24, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia: ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd. (TSX-V: ESR) through its 100% owned subsidiary ERA Ecosystem Restoration Associates Inc, (ERA) is pleased to announce that it has executed a term sheet for the sale of 1,800,000 tonnes of Verified Emission Reductions (VER) to the...

Science Alert | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

On 1 July this year NCOS came into effect. [1] It is designed to give Australian businesses, particularly farm businesses, opportunities to develop offset credits for voluntary carbon markets. Emissions from revegetation, forest management, and cropland and grazing land management – while not...

Financial Post | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Beyond billions in government support, what’s really needed to tackle climate change is trillions in private financing, a panel at the opening ceremony of Climate Change NYC said today.

Environment for Development | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Daniel Slunge, Policy Analyst at the Environmental Economics Unit, University of Gothenburg, was invited speaker at the second Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy: Strengthening Institutions to Address Climate Change and Advance a Green Economy, organized by the United Nations...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly’s annual high-level debate yesterday, President Bharrat Jagdeo called on the UN to establish global accountability indicators to assess whether the implementation of policies is in accordance with the international responsibilities.

American Carbon Registry | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The Winrock-implemented Asia Regional Biodiversity Conservation Program (ARBCP), which is funded by USAID, is working with governments in the lower Mekong Subregion (LMS) to provide technical assistance to LMS partners in the development of a regional REDD program.

Engineering News | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Paper and packaging group Mondi has concluded its ninth land restitution settlement, transferring 258 ha of its forestry land to members of the Mkhwanazi community, in Port Durnford, in KwaZulu-Natal. The members of the community will gain ownership of the land through the Phalane Trust and...

Stuff, Waikato Times | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Environment Waikato is considering using its $60 millon investment fund for a massive tree planting scheme to cash in on the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme. John Simmons, a senior council manager and forestry company director who authored the proposal, says "carbon farming" under the ETS...

Alertnet | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

LONDON (AlertNet) - With progress towards a U.N. climate deal lagging, financial institutions, donors and tropical forest countries are moving rapidly to set up their own systems to pay forest nations to preserve their trees as a means of curbing carbon emissions.

The Atlantic Wire | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

On Tuesday, Secretary Clinton announced the U.S. plan to contribute $50 million to help send fuel-efficient stoves to developing countries. According to the UN, smoke from more primitive stoves kills 1.9 million people per year, mostly women and children, while also contributing to global warming...

ForestNews Compilation | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Before briefly outlining potential links with wetlands in the negotiations on REDD in the Kyoto CDM-funded sense described in section 1 above, it should be noted that a number of voluntary carbon trading initiatives of relevance are also in existence. Some of these may continue outside the...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), the leading exporter of coated paper from China and Indonesia, received today the lowest combined antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) margin among Chinese exporters, but is still disappointed with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s final AD/CVD margin....

Business World Online | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

THE DEPARTMENT of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has signed an agreement with German Technical Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, or GTZ) to improve forestry policies and implement Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Appleton Coated LLC, NewPage Corporation, and Sappi Fine Paper North America – together with the United Steelworkers (USW) welcomed the Department of Commerce's announcement of final antidumping and countervailing duty margins on coated paper imports from China and Indonesia.

UNEP | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

21 September 2010 – A United Nations-backed intervention involving cook stoves holds the promise of saving lives, uplifting health, improving regional environments, reducing deforestation, empowering local entrepreneurs, speeding development, and helping to stem global climate change.

Solve Climate | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

In a move that could have wide ramifications for the future of biomass power nationwide, Massachusetts regulators have proposed to strictly regulate the ability of wood-burning incinerators to earn renewable power certificates. It's the latest twist in a long-running debate about whether biomass...

Environmental Leader | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The Climate Group, and its partners, including the United Nations, the City of New York, and founding sponsor Swiss Re, kicked off Climate Week NYC yesterday. The conference is expected to bring together both government and business leaders to discuss the policies and public-private...

Insurance News | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Innovative insurance solutions hold the key to driving climate adaptation initiatives in the developing world and securing the development prospects of communities threatened by rising climate risks, says a new Swiss Re publication. Released today at the opening of this year’s Climate Week NY˚C...

EFI | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Policy advice has been approved as new strategic function of EFI by the Annual Conference. This means that EFI will increasingly embark on activities that provide enhanced support for decision takers and policy makers.


by Dr. Radut