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The Daily Telegraph | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The Size of Wales project aims to either plant trees or protect existing forest in Africa equivalent to the size of Wales, or two million ruby pitches. The fund will raise money from the public as well as sending out Welsh volunteers to help on deforestation programmes. Prince...

The Ecologist | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The country's forests are at the centre of a new global scramble to 'buy up' carbon, but as Thembi Mutch reports, is the process really going to benefit the environment or people?

Environmental Expert | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

In July, the Ford Foundation announced a five-year, US$85 million initiative to address climate change through the inclusion and empowerment of rural and indigenous people. David Kaimowitz, the foundation's director of sustainable development, talks with Research Fellow Molly Theobald about the...

PRWeb | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Carbon sequestration through agriculture could potentially take the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of cars off the road and provide farmers with a new revenue stream worth billions of dollars. Ann Arbor, MI (Vocus) September 7, 2010

Forest Carbon Portal | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Specialists from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) reported that Latin America accounts for "65 percent of the net loss of forests in the world", which continues despite isolated cases of success. Representatives from CIFOR, various NGOs, the Swiss Government and the...

Business Standard | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Market pricing becomes uncertain after UN probe into data laundering. Prices of carbon credit certificates on the European climate exchange have risen after the regulator disallowed credits from greenhouse gas HFC-23 from a number of projects. Credits from such projects account for around 10 per...

Eureka Alert | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Palo Alto, CA—By integrating satellite mapping, airborne-laser technology, and ground-based plot surveys, scientists from the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology, with colleagues from the World Wildlife Fund and in coordination with the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment (...

Climate Focus | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Climate Focus is helping Kenya become one of the first developing nations in Africa to receive REDD+ financing to conserve and restore its forests. Kenya is one of the countries in Africa hit hardest by deforestation. Agriculture and public or private development projects have taken a heavy...

vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The World Bank, PROFOR and FAO are organizing an international symposium on indicators to assess and monitor the quality of forest governance. The symposium will take stock of progress to date in designing indicators and applying them in the field, including the use of indicators for specific...

Nopheasasaki | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Lessons for REDD Revenues: Peru’s experiences from the Camisea project could prove instructive for REDD as the international community ramps up efforts to provide a financial compensation mechanism for developing country actions to reduce emissions from forest loss. Although funding for REDD...

The Ecologist | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Oil giant's investment in Indonesian REDD conservation project is a crude attempt to increase profit and gloss over its expanding oil drilling operations, say campaigners Indigenous Peoples and environmental groups have accused oil giant Shell of funding a forest protection scheme...

vor 14 Jahre 6 months

  (26 October 2010, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Nine containerboard makers have been accused of conspiring to fix the price of materials used to make cardboard boxes. The companies named in the suit are:

Engineering News | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Paper and packaging group Mondi will sell 25,1% of its interest in Israeli-based Mondi Hadera Paper to its joint-venture partner Hadera Paper Ltd for €10,4-million. Hadera Paper would then hold a 75% interest in the Israeli company, which owned a 145 000-t/y paper mill, which produced office...

New Scientist | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Rainforests may store much less carbon than we thought. It could be time to dramatically revise our estimates following the discovery that apparently similar forests hold vastly different amounts of the stuff.

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Despite the fact that China has a simple, unsophisticated and labour-intensive sawmill industry, the country is ranked as the world’s third-largest lumber producer (after the U.S. and Canada), with over 28 million m3 of reported sawn lumber production in 2007 and 2008, and 32.3 million m3 (20...

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

A ten-year plan (2011-2020) to boost bio-energy development in the forestry industry is being drafted by Chinese government authorities, which would put forward a goal that some 20 million hectares of forestry farms be planted to provide feedstock for bio-energy over this ten-year period, the...

Forest Carbon Portal | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The Nature Conservancy and the Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDEs) are launching, with the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the Guide to REDD+ Projects in Latin America, with the aim of identifying the structure and operation of REDD projects - Reduction...

Papernet.SE | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Swedish research company Innventia has developed a new tachnology that will result in a stronger paper with lower production costs and reduced raw materials consumption. The new Aq-Vane technique, developed by Stockholm-based Innventia, is derived from the aircraft industry. It deals with the...


by Dr. Radut