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The Jakarta Post | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Stepping up its fight against illegal logging, the government began the implementation early this month of a ban on exports of illegally harvested wood and wood products. The government made it mandatory for forestry companies to obtain official certificates to show that timber has been legally...

La Moncloa | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Conference on Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Madrid Teresa Ribera stresses that the forestry sector constitutes a fundamental tool in the fight against climate change. At the official opening ceremony of the Conference entitled "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation: a social, economic...

Forest Carbon Portal | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

New rumbling emerged from Europe this week that the potential for emissions-reducing activities involving land use, land-use change, and forestry may be finally getting a day in the European sun.  The European Commission opened up a public consultation to reevaluate the way Europe has gone...

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

New numbers suggest growth in the second quarter was sluggish. After two revisions, GDP for 2Q2010 is now being estimated at 1.9 percent reports Forest 2 Market. Although output of the manufacturing and service sectors continues to grow, forward-looking metrics (especially for manufacturing)...

Engineering News | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Paper and packaging group Sappi has renamed its secondary fibre division, formerly known as Sappi Waste Paper, to Sappi ReFibre. This formed part of the group’s commitment to sustainability and to recycle paper and reduce waste. The division procures board and paper for recycling from agents,...

Reuters Africa | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

OSLO (Reuters) - Nations including Democratic Republic of Congo are making surprise progress towards taking part in a $200 million project for slowing deforestation from late 2010, World Bank experts said. They also said Latin America, with forested nations around the Amazon, had strong...

Reuters | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

(Reuters) - Billions of dollars Indonesia stands to earn every year in climate change deals could be at risk if it fails to stamp out corruption in its forestry sector, long notorious for graft and focus of an ongoing investigation. Norway is preparing to pay the first $30 million of $1...

vor 14 Jahre 6 months

ForestIndustries.EU just arrived (Monday, 24th of August 2011) this eMail and therefore want to put the readers attention to this: Brett Goldswortyh (brett@shift2neutral.com) sent a message using the contact form at http://forestindustries.eu/contact. Please advise email address of person and IP...

Fiji Times | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

THE Department of Forestry has received planting equipment from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, to support the Fiji One Million Trees Initiative. The initiative has so far resulted in the planting of 278,000 trees with the support of communities nationwide. It has also...

ISP News | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

BRUSSELS, Sep 16, 2010 (IPS) - Extra permits to pollute the atmosphere would be given to corporations that invest in areas surrounding tropical rainforests under plans drawn up by one of Europe's most influential pressure groups.

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The long-debated issue of what part forestry should be play if any in the European Union’s climate change effort is again at the fore. The European Commission last week opened a consultation on whether land-based activity, the LULUCF sector in Kyoto Protocol jargon, should be included in the EU...

The Vancouver Sun | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Twenty-five years ago I was a freshman in the faculty of forestry at the University of B.C. I was keen to learn about trees, animals, water, medicine and old-growth forests. During the early 1980s, the province of British Columbia advertised itself to the world as "Super, Natural British...

Treehugger | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

As oil and natural gas reserves are being depleted, the world's attention is increasingly turning to plant-based energy sources. These include food crops, forest industry byproducts, sugar industry byproducts, plantations of fast-growing trees, crop residues, and urban tree and yard wastes—all...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Two Dryden business owners, Bryan Tardiff and Louie Ricci, are partnering with German owned Lambion Energy Solutions to propose Far North Biomass - a biomass driven, direct energy plant in Dryden, Ontario. Lambion Energy is considered a global expert in converting biomass to energy. The...

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

A new initiative has been launched by Brazilian government agencies that will see the distribution of more that 2.2 million reals worth of funding to sustainable forestry projects before the end of the year. The National Fund for Forestry Development (FNDF), which is being managed by the...

The Moscow Times | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Russian Technologies will begin construction of the country's first biofuel factory next spring, the state corporation's chief, Sergei Chemezov, said Monday.

vor 14 Jahre 6 months

This series of technical reports on “International Financing for REDD” were produced to further UNFCCC parties’ understanding of the role and sequencing of public, private and market funding for REDD; and to discuss institutional and funding arrangements for REDD at international and national...

Business Week | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Sept. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Foreign purchases of agricultural land from Mozambique to Cambodia pose “significant risks” to the livelihoods of farmers in countries with “weak land governance,” the World Bank said in a report. Large-scale purchases raise “a real concern about the ability of local...


by Dr. Radut