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FAO | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory,...

Market Watch | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

BOULDER, CO and QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, Sep 20, 2010 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- ECO2 Forests Inc. () today announced the addition of Biomass for Renewable Energy Power Generation to the products to be derived from Kiri Tree forest operations.

EFI | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Fire has traditionally been a management tool for rural societies and it is still a part of European culture in many regions. Furthermore, fire use plays an increasing role in forest and other land management practices and policies in Europe. In the form of prescribed burning it appears to be a...

RISI | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

BEDFORD, MA, Sept. 20, 2010 (RISI) - I spent the past few weeks traveling in China, trying to dig up more information about the Chinese recovered paper (RCP) market. During my trip, I visited quite a few local and international recovered paper suppliers, traders and...

Carbon Offsets Daily | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The Centre should promote a carbon credit trading mechanism on lines of the Kyoto Protocol in the country to enable the plantation industry to earn carbon credits. Presently, nations under the European Union buy carbon credits under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Pinnacle Pellet has officially broken ground on a new pellet plant to be built near Burns Lake, British Columbia. The plant will produce wood pellets from mountain pine beetle killed wood. Pinnacle Plant plans to product 400,000 tonnes of wood pellets a year and will export the product to...

William & Mary | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Ali Bongo Ondimba, president of the African nation of Gabon, will deliver a speech at the College of William & Mary on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 1:30 p.m. Ondimba’s speech, which will be given at the Great Hall of the Sir Christopher Wren Building and followed by a question-and-answer session,...

Alert Net | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

LUSAKA (AlertNet) - More of Zambia's forests are likely to be cut down for charcoal after the country's energy watchdog allowed national energy company Zesco to hike electricity prices for domestic consumers by around 40 percent in August.

Antara News | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Pelalawan, Riau (ANTARA News) - Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan has asked Indonesian non-governmental organization activists not discredit their own country abroad and thus disrupt the country`s business development. "We ask for the NGOs` cooperation to jointly settle any problem that arises....

Environmental Experte | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Thank you very much, Bernice (Chair). It is my pleasure to be here today, on what is hallowed ground for students of international affairs. It is an appropriate venue. Climate change is the definition of a global threat. A failure to act in time will affect us all. This is the pre-eminent...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

A broad proposal for how forest carbon projects could be allowed to operate within a future international REDD+ framework has been outlined in a new industry paper. In the paper, forest carbon project consultants Terra Global Capital attempts to show how individual REDD projects might able to...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

LONDON | BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Banking (BNP Paribas) has announced an agreement between its Commodity Derivatives business and Wildlife Works Carbon LLC, in which BNP Paribas will provide up to US$50 million in finance to combat tropical deforestation and climate change.

News Blaze | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

MR. STERN: Hi everybody. Thanks for coming. We've just completed the ninth meeting of the Major Economies Forum here in New York. It was attended by officials from 17 major economies, both developed and developing. And we also had some additional invited guests including representatives from...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Orkla's sale of Borregaard is called the forestry deal of the century in the Nordic countries. Norwegian group Orkla's sale of forest company Borregaard, where Swedish company Bergvik Skog has been mentioned as prospective buyer, has become business for the Norwegian Government, wrote Swedish...

Carbon Based GHG Blogs | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Bill Gabbert in New West (US): …Sometimes land managers, when faced with a landscape of brown, ugly, beetle-killed trees, fall all over themselves finding additional taxpayer funds to “fix” the problem, such as a state Governor vowing to order his state employees to storm into a federal...

China.org | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

With the opening of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun drawing near, all parties are preparing actively for the next round of negotiations. China hopes to see the negotiations complete in line with the 2007 Bali Road Map, based on existing legal foundations and the...

Guyaba Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

People often wonder at the number of legislations protecting the Amerindian people, but cut off as the Amerindians are from mainstream society, these revised laws are needed for many reasons, most importantly to preserve their way of life while protecting their rights as citizens of this...

Ventura County Star | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Seven western states and four Canadian provinces have joined forces in a plan to limit greenhouse- gas emissions. An entire new source of long-term revenue has become available to British Columbia’s government, which will enable it to protect massive tracts of old- growth forests and...

Reuters | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

(Reuters) - The World Bank has sold 500,000 United Nations-backed carbon offsets for the U.N.'s adaptation fund, Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX), which acted as a dealer for the sale, said in a statement. The transaction took place during the period Aug. 27 to Sept. 10, and the end-buyers varied...


by Dr. Radut