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RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Safwood (Italy) is to launch OSB production in the Komi Republic by February 2012. The mill will be constructed from scratch with investment volume amounting to EUR 125 mln, of them EUR 72.5 mln to be provided by banks. The mill is to reach project capacity – 376 thousand cubic meters of OSB...

Solve Climate | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Stakeholders end long-running feud to protect more than 70 million acres of boreal forest. Millions of acres of boreal forest — one of the largest storehouses of carbon on Earth — will be protected under a groundbreaking truce in Canada that ends years of fighting over logging rights between...

Solve Climate | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Stopping tropical deforestation is something that almost everyone can agree upon as a reasonable and intelligent way to reduce CO2 emissions. Trees absorb atmospheric CO2 and emit oxygen, acting as planetary lungs. Tropical rainforests are some of the largest stands of trees in existence. So we...

Solve Climate | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Brazil is the fourth-largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world, responsible for about 5 percent of current global GHG emissions. Maybe this isn’t shocking. It’s a huge country. Its south is speckled with major population centers, and it has a southern industrial belt. Yet most of its emissions...

Planting Empowerment | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

A recent article on the BBC website decried the treatment of local populations in the development of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) projects.

GFC 2010 | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

SPEECH BY THE MINISTER OF FORESTRY OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AT THE CLOSING OF THE GOVERNORS’ CLIMATE AND FOREST (GCF) TASKFORCE MEETING Banda Aceh, 20 May 2010 His Excellency Miniter of Environment of Indonesia, His Excellency Governor of Aceh, Distinguished Participants and Guests,...

The Guardian | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Campaign group asks HSBC to close investment fund loophole in bank's forest ethics policy. Environmental charity Greenpeace has made claims that HSBC's asset management arm is sidestepping the bank's environmental guidelines by holding shares in a company accused of destroying Indonesian forests...

novedadesera.blogspot.com | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Forests cover between 25 and 30 percent of the earth’s land surface. They help to maintain the fertility of the soil, protect watersheds, and reduce the risk of natural disasters such as floods and landslides. About 350 million people worldwide depend on forest resources for their livelihood—of...

Daily News Tanzania | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

A MAJOR global conference to form the first real genuine partnership to fight climate change through Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries will be held in Oslo, Norway later this month. The conference which is expected to be attended by...

BBC | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

No-one I know who survived the two-week incarceration in Copenhagen's Bella Center in December believes everything is tight and rosy with the UN climate process.   The yawning chasm between the rhetoric of "the most serious problem facing humanity" and the reality that governments are nowhere...

LSE | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

A new direction for climate policy Rapid advance in addressing climate change is now possible for the first time in 15 years because global climate policy crashed in 2009, according to 'The Hartwell Paper', a new international report co-ordinated at LSE.

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

The UN has declared 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity, but the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) remains the poor (and largely forgotten) sibling to the headline-grabbing climate-change convention (UNFCCC). Delegates to CBD talks in Nairobi this week and next are looking at...

yeangdonal Blogspot | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Official in Oddar Meanchey province on Monday began relocating a group of 200 families living in a protected forest area near Samraong town, ending a standoff that led to a violent altercation between villagers and Forestry Department workers in March, officials said.

Forest Carbon Portal | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Community Forestry International (CFI), in partnership with Terra Global Capital (TGC), recently published a case study describing experiences emerging from the design and carbon development of one of the world’s first community-based REDD+ projects in Oddar Meanchey Province, Cambodia.  

The Ecologist | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Oxford Economics Professor and former head of Development Research at the World Bank, Paul Collier on reconciling romantic environmentalism and mainstream economics to help poor countries. Matilda Lee: How do environmentalists and economists reconcile vastly differing views about the value of...

The Guardian | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Paul Collier CBE is a heavyweight economist, in the same league as Joseph Stiglitz and Jeffrey Sachs. He's an Oxford professor and a former head of research at the World Bank, as well as being a UN and British government adviser. He is an authority on war and democracy, he has addressed the UN...

The Citizen | vor 14 Jahre 10 months

Tanzania’s entire forest cover will disappear in about 10 to 16 decades if the current high level of deforestation is not checked, a new survey warns. While the survey by Conservation International, a non-profit organisation with its headquarters in Washington, DC, United States, has revealed...


by Dr. Radut