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The Liberian Dialog | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

The Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) is mandated to protect the human health and well-being of the Liberian people and others living within the nation's jurisdiction.  This directive also includes the protection of our ecosystem and biodiversity, species and waterways, the air...

Reuters | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

  June 2 (Reuters) - Chilean forestry and paper company CMPC CAR.SN said Wednesday a worker strike over pay had paralyzed its biggest sawmill in south-central Chile. CMPC's Mulchen plant, one of the company's three operating sawmills, produces between 350,000 to 400,000 cubic meters of sawed...

Pulp and Paper News | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Digital newspapers have gained an increasing amount of ground and from an environmental perspective have been put forward as a better alternative to paper-based newspapers. And many people would probably be prepared to agree – electronics must be more environmentally friendly, after all it just...

Jake Schmidt's Blog | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

NRDC staff have posted assessments of a number of key elements of the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act discussion draft. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the domestic offsets program. I’ll give a brief overview of the program, as outlined in Part D of the bill (Sec. 731-741), highlight key...

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

New study says REDD payment mechanisms could halve forest destruction in the Brazilian Amazon, but significant amounts of cash to conserve forests could go to wealthiest landholders.

Huffington Post | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Bonn, Germany - As the UNFCCC climate talks got under way in Bonn, the two working groups began meetings: the ad hoc working group on long-term co-operative action (AWG-LCA) began with responses to the draft text and ad hoc working group on the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) began to discuss emissions...

RISI | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

  BRUSSELS, Mai. 31, 2010 (RISI) - The face of our industry is almost unrecognizable from just a decade ago. In Europe's maturing markets, the traditional capital expenditure route to increasing efficiency is becoming a difficult option. Attracting capital to build a new mill or machine has...

Nophea Sasaki | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

For citation: Sasaki, N. & Yoshimoto, A. (2010) Benefits of Tropical Forest Management under the New Climate Change Agreement—A Case Study in Cambodia. Environmental Science and Policy (in press), DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2010.04.007  

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

India plans 20 million hectares of afforestation and ecosystem restoration over the next ten years under a draft climate plan released by the government this week.

The Jakarta Globe | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Business leaders and even top government officials have been left surprised by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s announcement last week that the country would impose a two-year moratorium on the clearing of natural forests. Meanwhile, the government added on Monday that even some existing...

The Jakarta Post | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Forestry Ministry Zulkifli Hasan said the Finance Ministry had agreed to proposals to remove value-added tax (VAT) imposed on log products. He claimed former finance minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati had signed a proposal to cancel the tax when she was in the office. “[Mulyani] agreed to cancel...

RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

There are 5 investment projects that are currently being realized in the Arkhangelsk region and are included in the list of priority investment projects. Total investment volume amounts to RUR 20 bln (EUR 0.5 bln). According to the approved schedules in 2008-2009 investment volume should have...

PE Hub | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Global Environment Fund is raising $150 million for a private equity fund solely focused on sustainable forestry in sub-Saharan Africa. It already has secured a $50 million commitment from UK-based development finance group CDC. PRESS RELEASE

LAW BY and BELTA | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

MINSK, 1 June (BelTA) – The Foreign Ministry of Belarus jointly with the UNDP Office is planning an investment project to aid adaptation of forestry to climate change, BelTA learnt from Valentin Shatravko, chief of the forestry department of the Forestry Ministry. Valentin Shatravko is...

Mongabay | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Activists from the Rainforest Action Network voice support for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification scheme but say stronger policy measures are needed to control deforestation.

The Economic Times of India | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

NEW DELHI: India seized the opportunity accorded by the Oslo Conference on Climate and Forests to make a case for a global fund to aid developing countries increase their forest cover. New Delhi maintains that it is not enough to provide compensation and incentives for avoiding deforestation and...

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

May has been a difficult month for lumber prices in North America, with values dipping to the point that gains made earlier this year were effectively cancelled out. However, it is not all bad news as the stocks of leading players are holding up well.

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 9 months

Confidence in timber investment funds has been heightened after a major American state pension fund decided to put $500 million into timber. Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (Mass PRIM) has decided to make the investment just three years after selling a $700 million...


by Dr. Radut