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Clean Tech Blog | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Whatever else happened or didn’t happen as a result of the recent Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen, the Global community did take action on slowing the destruction of the world’s tropical forests. Certainly one can argue that we are not doing enough, but getting the “global community” to...

baiganchoka | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud of Guyana needs to make public the actual reasons why he falsely accused Janet Bulkan of reviewing Guyana’s RPP and did not object to Suriname territorial map in Washington. World Bank sent Baiganchoka.com the list of participants at the meeting and janet...

Mongabay | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

A new project aims to increase transparency in the forestry sector, an area long plagued by corruption and mismanagement. The Forest Sector Transparency Report Card, launched by Global Witness, an environmental NGO, assesses 70 transparency indicators, evaluating the public availability of land...

Lesprom | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Moscow. Jan 26, 2010. /Lesprom Network/. Vyborgskaya Cellulose is building the world's largest wood pellet plant at its facility in Russia near the border with Finland. Production capacity will be over 900,000 tons per year. Construction of the plant is underway and productionis planned to start...

Arkansas Business | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

SAN DIEGO - A California firm and a Missouri company are collaborating to develop carbon offsets from more than 300,000 acres of privately owned forest in the Ozarks Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri.

Eurekalert | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

//--> LONDON (22 January 2010)—As environmental and political leaders struggle to determine how to move forward from the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a new report by an international coalition of top forest organizations

The Japan Times Online | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Negotiators at the COP15 conference in Copenhagen didn't see eye to eye on much last month, but almost everyone agreed on one thing: To protect the planet we need to save its forests. From Denmark to Japan, where The Japan Times' Nature page columnist C.W. Nicol and others have submitted a new...

vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The mid-term evaluation of the EU Forest Action Plan was presented at the 112th meeting of the Standing Forestry Commission (11-12 December 2009). The evaluation report has recently been made available on the DG Agriculture web-site. The study contains both an inventory of the implementation of...

Engineering News | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Paper and pulp producer Sappi’s Finnish subsidiary, Finland I Oy, announced on Thursday that it would permanently close its 137-year-old 210 000-t/y Kangas paper mill by early 2010. In October, the subsidiary reported that it could close the mill, which employed about 150 people, owing to an...

Kaieteur News online | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The World Bank yesterday said that it is replying to Guyana’s protest of a map of Suriname which included Guyana’s territory as used at one of its recent meetings. In November, the government, through Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud, filed a protest with the World Bank over a map of Suriname...

Stabroek News | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The Alliance For Change (AFC) says that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government is being “inept and opportunistic” in requesting that the World Bank remove forestry activist, Dr Janette Bulkan from a Technical Advisory Panel.

vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Worcester, MA -  Clark Labs is pleased to announce the creation of a blog devoted to utilizing its GIS technology for REDD applications. The development of REDD projects requires robust modeling tools to address the inherent complexities of such projects. REDD initiatives and pilot projects are...

The Timberland Blog | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Over the past 20 years there have been many changes impacting the output of our nation's timberland but none have impacted it as much as the management of our National Forests. First, let’s talk big numbers and try to put the whole thing into perspective. There are about 750 million acres of...

RUNA | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

CJSC Zagros launched sawmill in Zavodoukovsk (Tyumen region). Sawmill capacity makes up 70 thousand cubic meters of commercial timber per year with production output reaching 36 thousand cubic meters of sawn timber – of them 22 th. m3 are to be used by the local building companies. The sawmill...

RUNA | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has decreed that a paper mill on the shores of Siberia's Lake Baikal can restart production despite years of complaints about pollution of the world's largest freshwater lake. Putin, in a decree published on the government's website, allowed the plant to...

UNI Freiburg | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Forest management planning in Congo Basin rainforests : a critical analysis of the state of art and design of a new planning system as a contribution to sustainable forest management Forstplanung des Regenwaldes im Kongobecken : eine kritische Analyse des Wissensstands und Entwicklung eines neuen...

Prince George Citizen | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Maximizing the carbon stored in B.C.'s forests could provide benefits both economically and environmentally over the long-term, says a new report, Managing B.C.'s Forests for a Cooler Planet.

Alliance for Change | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Climate change has no borders. The PPP’s unsubstantiated attack on Guyanese citizens who are playing their part to address this issue at home and abroad brings discredit to our nation

RISI | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

BEDFORD, MA, Jän. 18, 2010 (RISI) - Actual consumption of wood pulp in China remains on a robust upward trend. Consumption surged in 2009, for which we estimate demand rose by just over 19%, due to rising paper consumption and exports, inventory rebuilding in both pulp and paper, and a sharp...


by Dr. Radut