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Guyana Forests | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The Guyana government has expressed its concerns to the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility about a Suriname map that includes part of Guyanas sovereign territory and has deemed it an “ unprovoked insult.” The map was part of a presentation at a forum of the World Bank [probably the...

Forest Talk | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

White River Forest Products is eager to start up the former Domtar sawmill in White River, Ontario in 2010. White River Forest Products is a three-way partnership between the Town of White River's economic development department, the Pic Mobert First Nation, and Butler, a northwestern Ontario...

The Telegraph India | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Guwahati, Jan. 18: The French development agency, Agence Française de Développement, has given the go ahead to the Assam forest department to undertake a feasibility study of the Rs 450-crore Assam project on forestry and bio-diversity conservation. The project aims to restore and manage natural...

PRWeb | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Demand for wood pellets in 2009 was well below both manufacturing capacity and production levels. As a result, prices for sawdust and residual chips (the raw materials used by pellet manufacturers) in the Pacific Northwest moved off their 2008 highs, reports Forest2Market, the premier provider...

Caribbean Press Releases | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Georgetown  - Jan. 12, 2010 -- Climate change is certainly becoming one of the defining issues of the 21st century and as such, more and more countries are becoming aware of its devastating effects, the importance of standing forests and the role tropical forests can play in its mitigation.  The...

Carbon Positive | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

The forest carbon market is now two decades old but the bulk of its 20-million-tonne contribution to carbon sequestration and emissions reduction has come in the last three years - despite the global financial crisis and recession. This picture emerges from the ‘State of the Forest Carbon...

Malaysian National News Agency BERNAMA | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

SAMARINDA, Jan 18 (Bernama) -- Business oriented coal exploitations in East Kalimantan are threatening the local ecology, Indonesia's Antara news agency reported, citing environment observer Abrianto Amin as saying here on Sunday. "Ecological balance will be seriously threatened if coal...

WorldWatch Institute | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Ian Fry, the chief climate change negotiator for Tuvalu, fought on behalf of low-lying island nations during the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, last month. The 32-year-old country that he represents, a string of nine densely populated coral atolls located midway between...

RUNA | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

November 2009 AS Hekotek (Estonia) and Novoeniseysk LKhK (Russia, Krasnoyarsk area) signed an agreement on construction of a pellet plant with sawmilling wastes to be used as a raw material. The plant is to be launched summer 2010.

Ethopian Review | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Pretend that you have a small ranch of 7 milk cows – your sole income source. A conservation organization comes to you asking you to plant some trees on your ranch and fence off the area around the river — leaving space on your farm for only 5 cows.

Another Path | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

A quiet revolution in forests offers hope to the human race. A documentary about how small-scale carbon trading projects around the developing world are saving forests. The mechanism of forestry carbon trading is dynamically explained, especially how it works on the ground today, how it needs...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

THE Ministry of Agriculture yesterday signed a US$700,000 agreement with Conservation International (CI-Guyana) to, among other things, support the local Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)+ initiative.

Ghana News Agency | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Accra, Jan. 12, GNA - Ms Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology (MEST), on Tuesday, said government would take immediate steps to address national capacity gaps relating to institutional and systemic capacities as well as human resource needs for climate change.

AllAfrica | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Calabar — Cross River State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, has called for the protection of the nation's rainforest, 90 per cent of which he says is in Cross River State and is one of the richest in biodiversity in Africa. Imoke said the call became necessary because the rainforest is facing...

CIAT | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

A new online tool for studying land-use in the Amazon could help decision makers and researchers design incentive-based approaches for managing the region’s ecosystem services.

Solve Climate | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Over the next few weeks, leading nations will be deciding the fate of the Copenhagen Accord, the three-page climate change agreement recognized at last month’s international summit but never adopted. If they embrace it, they’ll also be embracing a process that sidestepped one the highest...

vor 15 Jahre 1 month

This report provides an update on the status of tropical moist forests in Central Africa. It covers the 6 countries containing this forest type, namely Gabon, Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Central African Republic. The report is...

Ecologist | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

If alternatives to deforestation like REDD do not arrive soon Liberia's remaining rainforest cover is likely to go the same way as its neighbours in Cote d'Ivoire

Google HostNews AFP | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

OSLO — Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said Tuesday he would put together a group of the world's most important rainforest countries in order to fight deforestation. The group, initiated "as part of our efforts to reach a binding climate agreement in Mexico in 2010," will consist of "...


by Dr. Radut