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vor 15 Jahre 2 months

TREES are one of the most efficient systems of carbon capture and storage on the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, locking the carbon into their roots, trunk, branches, twigs and leaves and the soil. They are so good at this that about 20% of the greenhouse gases...

Paperindex News | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

Export Prices for Wood Chips from Canada and the US to Japan Reach 13 Year High in 2008

Paperindex News | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

Higher Wood Chip Export Prices in Australia in 2008 as Wood Supply Tightens Around the Pacific Rim

Paperindex News | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Wood Pellet Producers are Increasingly Competing with Pulp Manufacturers for Wood Fiber

Prince George Citizen | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

Bioenergy is going to play a central role in the transformation of the forest sector, although the fledgling industry is not by itself sufficient to ensure the sector is attractive to investors, forest industry analyst Don Roberts said Thursday. The sector will increasingly need to look at how...

vor 15 Jahre 1 month

European Parliament adopts rules to keep illegal timber off the EU market Apr 27, 2009: Stricter rules on timber sold in the EU are needed to combat illegal logging - the main cause of deforestation - says a legislative report by Caroline Lucas (Greens/EFA, UK) adopted by the European Parliament....

Reuters | vor 15 Jahre 1 month

LONDON (Reuters) - The global market for carbon offsets from planting trees and preserving forests, worth nearly $150 million to date, could stall without a U.S. climate bill or a successor pact to the Kyoto Protocol, a report said on Thursday.

Solve Climate | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

The public is largely unaware of a momentous battle about to be fought in Washington. The stakes are enormous. Yet the public has not been well informed. Ignorance of the matter derives in part from the fact that the conflict was initiated via the highly charged issue of climate change. Climate is...

CarbonPositive | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

The future of the growing project-based forest carbon sector has been clouded by the two climate and energy bills in the US Congress. The bills, one passed in the House last June, the other being drafted in the Senate, both make provision for large use of international forest carbon offsets as a...

AllAfrica | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

Maputo — The Mozambican government approved on Tuesday a project to plant eucalyptus trees for industrial purposes across large swathes of the northern province of Nampula. The project, proposed by the Norwegian-owned company, Lurio Green Resources, involves total investment of 2.2 billion US...

AllAfrica | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

Windhoek — Growing demand for products like timber and biofuels is putting pressure on shrinking rainforests. Large-scale tree planting on agricultural land can save those primary forests, agroforestry experts argue. But the new plantations are detrimental to biodiversity and indigenous people,...

AllAfrica | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

When Mr Ponsiano Besesa sold his four-storey-hotel in Kampala to invest in forestry in February last year, people thought he was going mad. But the old man had calculated and knew very well that trees would reap him more than what a hotel would. Mr Besesa, the managing director of Besepo (U) Ltd, a...

Dead Tree Edition | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

The huge black-liquor subsidy of pulp mills expired last week, but that isn’t stopping the U.S. forest-products industry from tapping taxpayers' money in other ways.

The Vancouver Sun | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

The pine beetle is being singled out as the main reason a Quesnel sawmill is shutting down, laying off 180 workers. Canfor Corp. announced Tuesday that it is curtailing its Quesnel mill Jan. 15 because of slow market demand and what it called in a news release “the economics of running the...

The Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

2009 opened with the formation of a new Office of Ecosystem Services and Markets and closed with a disappointing Copenhagen Accord that nonetheless included provisions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.  EM takes a brief look back on the year in PES...

Skynewswire | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

(SkyNewswire.com)--- Seattle, USA. Softwood lumber markets continued to be weak in Japan and the US during the 3Q/09, but have improved in Europe and, surprisingly, northern Africa, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. Swedish sawmills have shipped 45% more lumber to Egypt, Morocco and...

vor 15 Jahre 2 months

The 'anomalies’ of Dr Rajendra Pachauri’s charity accounts By Christopher Booker 7:00PM BST 02 Oct 2010

Columbia University | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

Five environmental trust funds in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have joined with Columbia University’s Center for Environment, Economy, and Society to establish the Amazon Forest Carbon Partnership, a collaboration to reduce carbon emissions and provide an economic alternative for...

The Examiner | vor 15 Jahre 2 months

GUNNS' proposed $2.5 billion Bell Bay pulp mill would begin operation with 100 per cent plantation timber, the company said today. In a statement to the Australian Securities Exchange, Gunns chairman John Gay said the successful acquisition of access to the pulpwood resource of failed managed...


by Dr. Radut