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Landscape Blog | vor 11 Jahre 11 months

Suriname is an interesting example when considering development of sustainable agricultural sector in the context of a landscape approach; one that considers multiple demands from scarce land resources, such as food and fuel, and preserving nature. The smallest sovereign state in the South America...

Guardian | vor 11 Jahre 11 months

Collapsed Australian timber company Gunns, which gained notoriety for its repeated clashes with environmentalists, has been placed into liquidation. More than 80 people owed more than $750m by the 140-year-old Tasmanian business "resolved unanimously" to wind it up at a second creditors meeting,...

e360 Yale | vor 11 Jahre 11 months

New research shows that scientists have significantly overestimated the damage that logging in tropical forests has done to biodiversity, a finding that could change the way conservationists think about how best to preserve species in areas disturbed by humans.

GINA | vor 11 Jahre 12 months

Renowned climate scientist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri was late this evening installed Chairman of Guyana’s well known international rain forest conservation, research and development centre Iwokrama. The installation took place on the lawns of State House where a...

Irinnews | vor 12 Jahre 3 Stunden

JOHANNESBURG, 8 February 2013 (IRIN) - It is commonly believed that destroying trees will influence the climate of a region. But scientific evidence to support that deforestation and afforestation influence local climate - affecting temperature and rainfall - has only just started emerging.

FERN, World Growth | vor 12 Jahre 5 Stunden

Ten years since the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Action Plan was launched, and one month before the introduction of the EU Timber Regulation which makes it a criminal offence to put illegally sourced timber on the EU market, new research by FERN has shown strong forest governance...

Economic Voice | vor 12 Jahre 5 Stunden

THE GREEN Party is excited to announce a special session “The Yasuni Project” at its spring conference; a fringe event hosted by Dr. Derek Wall in conjunction with the Ecuadorian Embassy. The Yasuni Project was launched by the government of Ecuador in 2007, and aims to keep a portion of Ecuador’s...

UNDP | vor 12 Jahre 3 Stunden

Two UNDP’s Practice Areas from the UNDP Regional Service Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (RSC-LAC), Energy & Environment and Democratic Governance, sponsored and co-organized the Regional Forum on “How to Prevent Corruption in REDD+ and the "Regional Workshop on Participation, Advice...

International Forest Industries | vor 12 Jahre 3 Tage

Florida Governor Rick Scott announced the construction in Suwannee County of the Klausner Lumber One sawmill. The high-tech $130 million facility by Klausner will create 350 permanent jobs with average wages of $30,000 plus another $9,000 in benefits. Construction on the site will require 700...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 3 Tage

A commonly held view in the developed part of the world is that conservation organisations are doing "good" when offering small-scale development activities to improve local livelihoods of people in remote forested areas, such as those in southeast Cameroon. Similarly, logging concessions are often...

FOEI | vor 12 Jahre 3 Tage

MONROVIA, LIBERIA, February 1st, 2013 – Palm oil companies are grabbing more than 1.5 million acres of land in Liberia and are violating the human rights of local communities, warn Liberian NGOs including Friends of the Earth Liberia (SDI - Sustainable Development Institute), Save My Future...

http://capacity4dev.ec.europa.eu | vor 12 Jahre 3 Tage

4 February 2012: The European Commission has released the final report from last July’s Second EU REDD+ Projects Coordination Meeting. The meeting was convened to report on progress on EU-funded REDD+ projects, as well as to take stock and share lessons learned from the implementation of REDD+.

Greenwood Management | vor 12 Jahre 3 Tage

The Forestry Ministry in Brazil has announced that it is to carry out a detailed survey of the Amazon rainforest. The ministry has said that the survey will see data relating to soils, biodiversity and tree species present in the rainforest being collected. The inventory - will cost in the region...

Eco Agriculture | vor 12 Jahre 3 Tage

Last week the Yale chapter of the International Society of Tropical Foresters webcast its annual conference, this year focused on Food and Forests: Cultivating Resilient Landscapes. This series of presentations and panel discussions provided a captivating window into the world of forestry expertise...

Eureka Alert | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Afforestation, planting trees in an area where there have previously been no trees, can reduce the effect of climate change by cooling temperate regions finds a study in BioMed Central's open access journal Carbon Balance and Management. Afforestation would lead to cooler and wetter summers by the...

RISI News | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

By 2050, rising population and demand, as well as an increase in use of wood for bioenergy, could triple the amount of wood society takes from forests and plantations per year, according to the latest instalment of WWF's Living Forests Report . The report, presented today at the international paper...

Times Colonist | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

In a bid to spur timber harvesting on the coast, the provincial government announced it will look at new technology for scaling logs, fast-track the auction of an additional 500,000 cubic metre of timber and make improvements to the log-export system. The initiatives were unveiled by Forests...

SVN | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Agriculture and energy use are major drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. In order to tackle these drivers requires the introduction of improved agricultural practices and appropriate renewable energy technologies. SNV will begin the REDD+ Energy and Agriculture Programme (REAP) in...

The Prvonice | vor 12 Jahre 1 Woche

Given the short duration of the upcoming legislative session and the provincial election to follow, a government plan to introduce a scant two-paragraph bill granting it powers to fundamentally alter the course of forestry in B.C. is disturbing, to say the least. According to several sources who...

Daily Pioneer | vor 12 Jahre 2 Wochen

The carbon credit rules for forestry projects should be made simpler, said the director general of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Dr VK Bahuguna while chairing the surveillance audit of ICFRE-Designated Operational Entity (DOE) in Dehradun on Monday.


by Dr. Radut