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vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Stora Enso successfully completes Eurobond tender offer. Stora Enso has successfully repurchased notes with nominal value EUR 336 820 000 from the 2014 bond issued in 2004 and tapped in 2009. The transaction is priced at an interpolated mid-swaps rate + 130 basis points and a yield of 2.396%, which...

vor 12 Jahre 11 months

23 March 2012: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released the submissions by parties on issues identified in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 72 and appendix II, in particular on how to address drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and on robust and transparent national forest monitoring systems as...

ForestTalk | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The Government of Canada presented their Budget today for 2012 and beyond. Here is the information from today’s budget for “Forestry Innovation and Market Development Support“. Economic Action Plan 2012 proposes $105 million over two years to support the continued transformation of the forestry...

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

British Columbia‘s Forest Minister Steve Thomson has rejected the recommendations his own Timber Export Advisory Committee dozens of times in the past 3 months, resulting in millions of dollars worth of raw logs being sent to Asia rather than to B.C. mills. In December, the Timber Export Advisory...

vor 12 Jahre 11 months

6 March 2012: The World Bank has published a new report by the BioCarbon Fund detailing the experience in over 20 afforestation and reforestation (A/R) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) forest projects in 16 countries since 2004, with the aim of enhancing knowledge on regulatory issues and policy...

REDD-Earth | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Today, I am very pleased to welcome Ingvild Andersen as a contributor to REDD+ EARTH! Currently, Ingvild is a MA Candidate in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo, where she is part of a group of students researching the social impacts of schemes to Reduce Emissions from...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

This paper compares the historic German discourse on forest functions with the current international debate on ecosystem services and analyzes the factors that may have triggered or inhibited the development and the institutionalization of both underlying concepts and subordinate debates....

Blogs at Wall Street Journal | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The long-running battle between Greenpeace and Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), a giant Indonesian paper company, is heating up again. But this time, there’s a new wrinkle: The two sides are being surprisingly nice to each other – at least for now.

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

The Christmas Tree Research Centre at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College is researching how to grow a balsam fir that will stay fresh for longer periods of time. Christmas tree growers are particularly interested in balsam fir that can retain their needles for longer periods of time, so they can...

Saturday Monitor | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Tension over land ownership is brewing in Ssemabable District as at least 15,300 people, said to be encroachers in the area, continue to ignore an eviction order by the police and district leaders.   The residents, said to be mostly from the Bahima tribe in western Uganda, are currently living...

TTJ Online | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

TRADA Technology principal consultant Elizabeth Turner discusses the impact the EU Timber Regulation will have on timber specification and supply

Mongabay | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Africa Wildlife Foundation (AWF), the conservation nonprofit based in Washington, DC, is facing a lawsuit by Kenya’s Samburu tribe over alleged unlawful evictions. The hearing, originally scheduled for January 23, has now been postponed to later this month.

Forest Talk | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

British Columbia has made an amendment to section 47.1 of their Forest Act that will allow private land to be removed from a woodlot. All potential private land removals will be at the discretion of the minister of forests, lands and natural resource operations (or a delegate determined by the...

vor 12 Jahre 11 months

This document summarizes knowledge and experiences in forest management as a response to climate change, based on a literature review and a survey of forest managers. This is part of an FAO-led process to prepare climate change guidelines for forest managers. It examines climate change impacts on...

SCOOP | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Waikato Regional Council is writing to hundreds of forest owners in the region reminding them they need to register their forests by 31 March if they want to qualify for and claim Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) New Zealand units under the first five-year sequestration period of the Kyoto Protocol....

SciDEV | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Wapichan communities of Guyana, presented a proposal to the government of that country to give them the care of 1.4 million hectares of native forests. Its aim is to preserve and protect that area of industries that could threaten its biodiversity and natural resources.

Timber Community | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Stora Enso to build world-class EUR 1.6 billion consumer board and pulp mill in China. Stora Enso plans to build plantation-based integrated board and pulp mills at Beihai city in Guangxi, southern China. The mill site will initially include a 450 000 tonnes per year state-of-the-art paperboard...

GreenWood Management | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

A new report has suggested that US lumber prices have received a boost from an unexpected source – the credit crunch. According to a report by Reuters, US lumber futures prices have risen by 30 per cent since October, whilst bets have risen 18 per cent since January. The article argues that the...

Timber Community | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

Future advancements in biorefinery are a focus of attention for most companies in the pulp and paper industry today. Those are the themes of the World Biorefinery conference. What should they invest in, what are the technological solutions, and what is of most economic interest? “This is an...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 11 months

This report describes the approaches necessary for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests. Mangroves are coastal ecosystems providing numerous ecosystem services affecting both marine and terrestrial resources. In addition, they contain...


by Dr. Radut