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Times Colonist | vor 13 Jahre 3 Wochen

The ravages of age usually affect people more than institutions. But successive reports on two of the oldest government functions in B.C. have found they are in failing health. A searching look last week at the justice system - a ministry since 1871 - portrayed it as floundering badly. And this...

Times Colonist | vor 13 Jahre 3 Wochen

B.C. auditor general John Doyle said in a report released Thursday that the province is ill-prepared to manage the province's beetle-ravaged forests, which are heading toward a long-term decline in both value and diversity. "We are already facing the fact that the value of the forest is going to be...

Vancouver Sun | vor 13 Jahre 3 Wochen

B.C. forest inventories are so far out of date that the foresters' professional association is questioning whether provincial forestlands can still be managed sustainably. A report by the Association of B.C. Forest Professionals released Monday says that at a time when wildfire and insect pests...

Ministry of Agriculture | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Ireland, as a demonstration of its commitment to sustainable forest management and to addressing the global forest loss and the impacts of climate change, has made a funding contribution of €150,000 to the European Forest Institute EU REDD, which supports better forestry management in developing...

Your-Story | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

A billionaire investor has this week opted to put much of his cash in forestry investments, in a move that has been welcomed by alternative and ethical investment advocates, AAA.

Accointing Today | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged corporate leaders to back up their words about sustainable business practices with concrete actions at a KPMG-sponsored conference on sustainability. Ki-moon praised the growth of sustainability reporting by a growing number of corporations at the...

Space Daily | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

An interactive web tool has been developed to improve the accuracy and extent of global land use and forest cover information. The new 'Geo-Wiki' uses Google Earth and information provided by a global network of volunteers to fill in 'data gaps' and to verify existing land cover information....

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

A green economy that prioritises forest conservation to boost development in one of Africa’s poorest nations is at the heart of a recent initiative launched by the Ethiopian government ahead of the Rio+20 summit. “Forestry is a central pillar of the strategy so the plan will definitely have a...

InBar | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

The Food & Trees for Africa’s (FTFA) Bamboo for Africa programme has been certified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)—the first VCS accreditation for bamboo in the world.   The VCS is the most highly regarded international certification standard for carbon reduction projects and is one...

360-Yale | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

The long-held contention that rural forest communities are the prime culprits in tropical forest destruction is increasingly being discredited, as evidence mounts that the best way to protect rainforests is to involve local residents in sustainable management. Some forest campaigners have been...

Engineering News | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Paper and pulp group Mondi on Thursday made an all-cash offer of €16.48 a share for the 17-million shares (34%) it does not already own in its Polish operation, Mondi Swiecie. The offer comprises a premium of 15.6% over the last three months’ average price of €14.26 a share and a premium of 4.1%...

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Norske Skog sells back part of its energy contract to Statkraft. Norske Skog has reached an agreement to sell back excess power in southern Norway to Statkraft. The sale encompasses an annual volume of 680 gigawatt hours and covers the period through the end of 2020. The transaction will be closed...

APP | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani on Wednesday inaugurated the Spring Tree Plantation campaign by planting a tree here at the PM House and made an impassioned appeal to the nation to make Pakistan green.Gilani planted a “Chir Pine” on the green slopes of the Prime Minister House, an extension...

Digital Journal | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) has validated Anthrotect’s Chocó-Darién Corridor carbon offset project to the Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Project Design Standards. The project, located in northwestern Colombia near the Panama border, was awarded CCB Gold Level status for its...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

British Columbia Auditor General John Doyle has released his latest report, An Audit of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations’ Management of Timber.

The Jakarte Globe | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Efforts to stem illegal logging by requiring Indonesian timber exports to be certified will prove futile if cheaper, uncertified wood continues to be available on the market, officials said on Tuesday. Diah Raharjo, director of the Multistakeholder Forestry Program, a collaboration between the...

Kaieteur News Online | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

The Surinamese government has warned donors to stop treating the issue of eco-systems as mere handouts. John Goedschalk, of Suriname’s Climate Compatible Development Agency, made the call on Monday during the launch of the Guyana Shield Facility, a fund to protect the ecosystems in the Guyana...

OffsetBlog | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

ClearSky Climate Solutions, CEO, Keegan Eisenstadt was on the ground in Durban for the UNFCCC 17th Conference of the Parties. He was present for what was an incredibly busy couple of weeks. Participating in a schedule filled with formal negotiations, technical side events, meetings with government...

ABC Net | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

TONY EASTLEY: When the Prime Minister and the Tasmanian Premier signed a forestry agreement last year it appeared that an end was in sight to the protracted and bitter Tasmanian forestry debate. This morning however the deal would appear to be in tatters. Felicity Ogilvie reports from Hobart....

Daily Pioneer | vor 13 Jahre 1 month

Foresters must face various tough challenges in the current scenario of global climate change, Forest Survey of India director general AK Wahal said while chairing the valedictory session of a two-day workshop on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD +) for Indian...


by Dr. Radut