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Down to Earth | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Can you love tigers but hate forests? This is the question that troubled me as I visited the middle of India last fortnight. I was in Nagpur, where local politicians, conservationists and officials were discussing what needed to be done in this chronically poor and backward region endowed with...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Wood products from British Columbia traditionally have moved south to the United States by way of rail or truck, and to a lesser degree, by sea. Now with the demand for British Columbia’s wood soaring in China, and drastically weakening in the U.S., lumber is hitting a transportation bottleneck...

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Ontario passed its Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act (Bill 151) in its legislature today. The Act changes the forest tenure system and provides a more competitive market environment in the allocation and pricing of Crown timber. Under the new system, Ontario will introduce two new...

RUNA | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Bank Vozrozhdenie provided the loan to OAO Kondopoga, one of the leading producers of newsprint in Russia and Europe, with a credit limit of 35 mln USD Thanks to the production facilities the company is able to process about 2 mln cu m of timber and produce approximately 800 tsnd t of paper per...

Climate-I | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

May 2011: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has released a number of publications relevant to REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation  in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon...

Times Live | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Liberia has signed a deal with the European Union promising to crack down on illegal logging on its territory, home to more than half of West Africa’s rainforests, a group linked to the accord said. Ghana, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo signed similar deals last year ahead of an...

Yahoo News | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

(Published by Thomson Reuters Point Carbon) LONDON - The World Bank is considering launching a start-up finance scheme to help emission reduction projects get off the ground in the world's poorest nations, a bank official said.

CIFOR | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

BOGOR, Indonesia (11 May, 2011)_A CIFOR-led project is yielding innovative tools that help rural people improve their livelihoods and protect their natural resources. In recent years, the Lao PDR government has championed participatory land use planning (known by its abbreviation PLUP). This...

Guardian | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

British cats, dogs, cows, pigs and even goldfish are helping destroy the rainforests of south-east Asia. A new study for the government finds that more than a tenth of all the world's palm kernel meal – a lucrative by-product of the production of palm oil – is fed to British animals.

Times of India | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

NEW DELHI: In order to lock climate changing carbon dioxide in the growing forests, the government has asked the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to provide a substantial part of the Rs 90 billion needed every year for 10 years.

Forest Talk | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Environmental groups and forest products companies that signed the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA) say significant strides have been made in the past year to turn the landmark agreement into concrete steps to make change on the ground that will protect the Boreal Forest and the people who...

Mongabay | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

A debate over the need to conserve forests versus converting them for industrial use grew heated last week at Australian National University (ANU). A forum brought together policy experts, scientists, and a forestry lobbyist to discuss Australia's role in overseas forestry. But an exchange...

Timber Community | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Wood pellet exports from the US and Canada to Europe reached 1.6 million tons in 2010, a doubling of shipments in just two years, reports the North American Wood Fiber Review Over the past two years, North America has become a major supplier of wood pellets to Europe. In 2010, an estimated 1.6...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

AS Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy moves beyond its start-up phase, the government is leading efforts to advance work on the six priority investments for this year. The six investments will accelerate Guyana’s transition to a low carbon economy by deploying the US$70M earned by Guyana...


by Dr. Radut