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Better access to forest products price information

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Issue date: 
June 01, 2011
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Recently launched, the Forest Products Price Information Portal offers various users ease in searching for information on forest products prices, specifically in Europe, but also worldwide. Users can search by product category (industrial roundwood, pulp and paper, sawnwood, wood energy, wood based panels), geographic location, market area, and organisation type. The portal currently consists of more than 200 different information sources from more than 30 countries. It provides an overview and links to various price and timber market related information sources/databases.

When price and supply information is readily available to the public, it provides maximum opportunity to buyers and sellers to complete transactions with minimum transaction costs. Market transparency reduces information asymmetry, thereby allowing fair exchange of goods and services.

The portal will be useful to various stakeholders, such as researchers, marketing specialists and decision makers in the forestry and timber industry. The portal is an output of the feasibility study on improving forest products price information. This study was conducted by the European Forest Institute, through its Observatory for European Forests in Nancy, France in collaboration with the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section.

EFI press release

Forest Products Price Information Portal


Extpub | by Dr. Radut