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New Scientist | 13 years 7 months ago

Cancún's climate conference was largely a diplomatic triumph. No nations promised to up their emissions reduction targets from those pledged in Copenhagen. The compromise text that the delegates applauded was only work in progress, full of pledges to settle differences later – differences like...

13 years 7 months ago

U.S. government’s plans on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) The four speakers included Joe Aldy, Special Assistant to the President on the Environment Maura O’Neill of USAID Billy Pizer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy at the Department of Treasury Patrick...

Blogs Nature | 13 years 7 months ago

We're now heading into crunch time in Cancun, and suffice it to say that the ultimate fate of everything remains utterly unclear. More on that in a moment, but first let's take a more-detailed look at what is happening within the deforestation talks, where things are either going rather...

Clear Sky Climate Solutions | 13 years 7 months ago

The heavy interest in REDD+ projects is palpable here in Cancun.  What is not so evident is that the compliance markets are going to be ready to move the REDD+ agenda forward.  Even if an agreement comes out of this COP, it will effectively be authorizing the technical working groups to begin...

Allafrica | 13 years 7 months ago

A DECISION by the Norwegian government to negotiate post Kyoto Protocol with other countries bilaterally is aimed at sending a strong message to international community that Oslo is committed to address causes of green house gas emissions blamed for causing global warming.

CIFOR | 13 years 7 months ago

A binding deal on the REDD+ scheme to conserve the world’s forests has never been so close. How to finance REDD+ is still under debate, but experts in Cancun have reiterated that a combination of financing mechanisms will be needed to ensure adequate REDD+ funding. Pavan Sukhdev, special advisor...

REUTERS | 13 years 7 months ago

(Reuters) - The European Union wants to delay a deal to use carbon markets to reward countries which protect their tropical forests, beyond U.N. climate talks in Cancun, said EU climate commissioner Connie Hedegaard. The aim of a U.N. deal on tropical forests is to pay countries which...

Washington Post | 13 years 7 months ago

Mexican President Felipe Calderon -- who looked cool and crisp in one of his trademark guayabera shirts as the host of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change conference in Cancun -- sat down for an interview with The Washington Post on Thursday evening.

South Capitol Street | 13 years 7 months ago

The watchword in the halls of this year’s UN climate summit is “balanced package.”  It’s the oblique phrase referring to what might be possible as a final agreement at this year’s meeting, at least to those who don’t have unreasonable expectations on what can be achieved.  What many hope can be...

IPS News | 13 years 7 months ago

CANCÚN, Mexico, Dec 11, 2010 (IPS/TerraViva) - If success is measured by delaying difficult decisions, then the Cancún climate meeting succeeded by deferring crucial issues over financing and new targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the next Conference of the Parties meeting a...

The Sydney Morning Herald | 13 years 7 months ago

A new climate change deal reached in Mexico has set up a global framework to pay to protect rainforests vital to the ecosystem, but held off on the controversial introduction of a market role. The deal aims to help developing nations fight deforestation by offering incentives to about 1.2 billion...

Global Post | 13 years 7 months ago

CANCUN, Mexico — For a climate change conference that began with universally low expectations, the Cancun meeting achieved surprisingly concrete progress, including an agreement to help preserve tropical forests. Despite lacking the teeth many wanted, the deforestation provisions offer a way to...

Environmental Defense Fund | 13 years 7 months ago

Today marks the start of the second week of the U.N. climate conference in Cancún, and also the first day of negotiations on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).  Environment ministers meeting about REDD+ in Cancún this week are expected to focus on four main...

Business Wire | 13 years 7 months ago

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) has approved the first Mosaic REDD methodology after it successfully completed the dual validation process. Developed by Terra Global Capital, LLC, the methodology was designed to support the development of...

Forest Carbon Portal | 13 years 7 months ago

Getting ready for a plane trip to Cancún or just want to know the inside story of what to watch and why it’s happening when it comes down to forest carbon policy? Here are a few key reading recommendations to get up to speed on the international climate negotiations.

Nopheasasaki | 13 years 7 months ago

Inclusion of improved forest management as a way to enhance carbon sinks in the Copenhagen Accord of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (December 2009) suggests that forest restoration will play a role in global climate change mitigation under the post-Kyoto agreement....

Carbon Positive | 13 years 8 months ago

A second improved forest management (IFM) project methodology has been approved for use with the Voluntary Carbon Standard, an important step in applying carbon market finance to the restoration of degraded native tropical forests. The methodology was produced by project developer Face the...

Bretton Woods Project | 13 years 8 months ago

The World Bank’s engagement in carbon finance has expanded from its “pioneering” Prototype Carbon Fund in 1999, which provided the groundwork for a market-based approach to emission reductions. Today, the Bank’s carbon finance portfolio has grown to 12 funds and facilities, managing $2.4...

BC Local News | 13 years 8 months ago

VANCOUVER - The B.C. government is releasing proposed requirements for forest-based carbon offset projects that could help unlock new revenue for forest managers and help industry reduce emissions, Pat Bell, Minister of Forests, Mines and Lands announced recently.


by Dr. Radut