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Daily Mail | 13 years 5 months ago

London – The UK said it will opt out of a common European Union platform for auctioning carbon permits in the next phase of the bloc's emissions-trading programme, which starts in 2013, and will develop a national system instead.

Rare Conservation | 13 years 5 months ago

Not only do tropical forests house much of the world’s biodiversity, but they also function as large carbon sinks, helping to store CO2 emitted by man-made and natural activities. Deforestation is one of the leading causes of climate change because these trees can no longer store CO2. Programs...

Business Day RSA | 13 years 5 months ago

ALTHOUGH politically difficult, it was important to aim for a binding agreement at climate change negotiations in Durban in December, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) climate policy advocate Tasneem Essop said yesterday. This was after top US climate change negotiator Todd Stern said in...

VAnguard | 13 years 5 months ago

Abuja – Stakeholders on climate change mitigation converged in Abuja on Monday to prepare a draft Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Readiness Programme (REDD+). Addressing the participants, Mr Simon Adedoyin, the facilitator from the Federal Ministry of...

Wanganui Chronicle | 13 years 5 months ago

Wanganui hill country farmers have a massive opportunity to use the Emissions Trading Scheme to get a return from their marginal land, Pat Hawinkels says. "Internationally, the market for carbon is huge and it will just get bigger." People registering their forests in the Emissions Trading...

Bloomberg | 13 years 5 months ago

The European Union option of setting aside as many as 800 million surplus carbon allowances is “unwelcome” regulation that may add 10 euros ($13.66) a ton to prices in 2013, Barclays Plc said.

AFP | 13 years 5 months ago

WASHINGTON — Global warming could cause up to 60 percent of the world's permafrost to thaw by 2200 and release huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere that would further speed up climate change, a study warned. Using projections based on UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...

Eko-Eco | 13 years 5 months ago

Last week, Ecosystem Marketplace reported that a major formal voluntary carbon standard has verified its first carbon credits from projects that reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

Business Green | 13 years 5 months ago

Austrian authorities have refused to publish the serial numbers of nearly 500,000 carbon allowances stolen from its registry in last month's cyber attack, in a move that has prompted fresh criticism of the European Commission's handling of the fraud.

SCOOP | 13 years 5 months ago

February 15, 2011 - Carbon Forestry 2011 is the first event of its type run in New Zealand, profiling key investment drivers and future business opportunities in carbon forestry. This international event is being hosted by the Forest Industry Engineering Association (FIEA) on 13-14th July in...

EuroDaD | 13 years 5 months ago

A new Eurodad report provides a critical analysis of the World Bank’s role in Climate Finance. Civil society actors have long been contesting the role of the World Bank as an appropriate channel for climate finance based on the Bank’s questionable green credentials and its history of advising...

Financial Express | 13 years 5 months ago

Clearing the air about the future of clean development mechanism (CDM), a market-based instrument under the Kyoto Protocol enabling developed countries to invest in developing countries to offset carbon emissions, UN climate change chief Christiana Figueres said, “CDM is a work in progress.”

Congo Basin Forest Partnership | 13 years 5 months ago

he Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) organize a workshop – Oslo REDD Exchange 2011 – 23-24 June 2011. The workshop will focus on safeguards and REDD+, with a particular emphasis on the exchange of experiences...

Ecosystem Marketplace | 13 years 5 months ago

The US-based conservation consultancy Wildlife Works Carbon won the race to issue the world’s first offset credits for the voluntary carbon market from a project designed to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

Climate-L | 13 years 5 months ago

anuary 2011: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) has received five REDD Readiness Preparation Proposals (R-PP) and four draft R-PPs from FCPF participant countries during the course of January 2011.

AllAfrica | 13 years 5 months ago

Maputo — The Mozambican government and its partners are looking at the current level of deforestation and at new strategies to reverse the trend. These issues were discussed in Maputo on Monday at a meeting in preparation for the drafting of the new National Strategy for Reducing Deforestation...

The Citizen | 13 years 6 months ago

Dar es Salaam. The government admitted yesterday that there is poor coordination towards the planning and implementation of the REDD, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. Tanzania is in the initial process of implementing REDD, a mechanism designed to pay developing...

PCARRD | 13 years 6 months ago

The Philippines supports the REDD-Plus Strategy, an effective forest management option which aims to address the threats of climate change. A major output in the Copenhagen Accord in 2009, REDD-Plus means reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and increased removal of...


by Dr. Radut