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Daily TarHeel | 13 years 11 months ago

In meetings last year, the Energy Task Force extolled the virtues of biomass as a coal alternative — but not without voicing concerns. Some members of the task force worried that companies providing wood pellets would clear forests to produce them, nullifying any sustainable improvement. It...

Forest Talk | 13 years 11 months ago

The Centre for Research and Innovation in the Bio-Economy (CRIBE) has announced a $923,261 investment to expand Elementa Group’s Pre-Commercial Demonstration Plant in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario This funding will allow Elementa to make the necessary modifications to begin using forest biomass as...

Forest Talk | 13 years 11 months ago

Nova Scotia has decided to lower the cap on the annual amount of new forest biomass that can be used to generate electricity by 30% – to 350,000 dry tonnes per year. The reduction is to protect the sustainability of Nova Scotia’s forests, while still keeping the province on track to meet its...

Forest Talk | 13 years 12 months ago

An explosion occurred at Pinnacle Pellet in Armstrong, British Columbia on Saturday night. The explosion caused a fire that quickly spread through the basement and into the attic. Two workers who were on shift at the time of the incident were able to get out safely. The Pinnacle Pellet plant...

Timber Community | 13 years 12 months ago

Petrochemicals from biomass without using excess water from the start-up Anellotech. An early-stage company spun out of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, plans to commercialize a catalytic process for converting cellulosic biomass into five of the chemicals found in gasolin. Video...

Miami Herald | 13 years 12 months ago

WASHINGTON -- Simpson Tacoma Kraft would seem like one of the greener power plants. It boils water by burning sawdust, bark and wood shavings from saw mills and pulp mills, funneling the resulting high-pressure steam into a turbine to generate electricity.

International ForestIndustries | 13 years 12 months ago

TILBURY could soon be home to the world’s largest biomass plant after its power station got permission to start vital works.reports the UK’s Thurrock Gazette. The RWE N Power station, off Fort Road, is currently coal-fired, but plans to run entirely on wood pellet biomass fuel by the end of the...

AllAfrica | 14 years 2 days ago

OVER 100 charcoal bags worth over a half a million shillings were impounded from illegal traders accused of sponsoring villagers in Kigoma Rural District to cut down trees from Masito-Ugalla forest reserve. The charcoal which is exported mainly to Democratic Republic of Congo through Kilando...

The Ecologist | 14 years 6 days ago

Indonesia's move to bring in a two-year moratorium on new palm oil plantations to protect its remaining rainforests has seen agribusiness giants like Sime Darby switch expansion plans to Cameroon, Ghana and Liberia The sudden upsurge in land deals by palm oil companies in Africa could lead to large...

Timber Community | 14 years 1 week ago

Opposition and Adjustment to Industrial ‘Greening’. The Swedish Forest Industry´s (Re)Actions Regarding Energy Transition. The paper making process is a very energy intensive process. The Swedish forest industry is Sweden's largest, and also one of Europe's largest single user of electricity....

The Chronicle Herald | 14 years 1 week ago

Add this up if you can. After decades of public outrage and expert testimony about too much clearcutting in Nova Scotia and a three-year process to create a natural resources policy meant to bring about sustainable forestry, the NDP government appears to be sending the whole thing up in smoke at...

Greenwood Management | 14 years 2 weeks ago

BP has made a $680 million (£424 million) investment in Brazil with a purchase of one of the nation's leading biofuels companies. The British energy giant now owns 83 per cent of the shares of the Companhia Nacional de Açúcar e Álcool (CNAA), which is one of the world's leading producers of...

International ForestIndustries | 14 years 2 weeks ago

Recently, the banned alcoholic drink Four Loko was being recycled into car fuel, and today, it’s non-food waste from crops and wood scraps. Cellulosic ethanol is by no means a new idea, but no one has been producing it in bulk amounts. However, Mascoma Corporation a biofuels company, will break...

RUNA | 14 years 3 weeks ago

Ilya Mikhalchuk, the Governor of Arkhangelsk Region, held a meeting with Vladimir Shishov, the Vice-Governor for Natural Resources Management, Agricultural Sector and Ecology and Yuri Trubin, the Minister for Natural Resources and Timber Industry Complex of Arkhangelsk Region.

The Jakarta Globe | 14 years 3 weeks ago

Strong production of Southeast Asian palm oil is the best hope of boosting cooking oil supplies as soybean oil gets soaked up to make biofuel, its attraction redoubled by unrest in Libya that has driven crude oil to more than $100 per barrel. Vegetable oil markets had braced for a fall in palm oil...

Channel 4 | 14 years 3 weeks ago

Government subsidies to encourage power companies to burn wood are distorting the market for timber and forcing up prices in manufacturing and construction industries, Channel 4 News has learned. The largest consumer of biomass fuel in the UK is now the Drax power plant in Selby, North...

14 years 3 weeks ago

The newsletter cover EU Energy policies for renewables and bioenergy, the position on EU Energy, publications and EU projects with green pellets. EU ENERGY POLICY FOR RENEWABLES The biomass part within nREAPs – a still sleeping giant for RES heat European Commission publishes progress reports...

Timber Community | 14 years 1 month ago

By 2020, half of all energy in Sweden will come from renewable resources since carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced. A new report from the Forestry Research and SLU made on behalf of the Swedish Energy Agency focus on fast growing trees. Higher production, shorter orbital period, higher ROI...

The World Link | 14 years 1 month ago

People called them bulls of the woods -- the logging company bosses who could out-chop, out-saw, out-spit, out-cuss and out-brawl any man in the camp. Those were the days, too, when clear-cutting money trees such as Douglas fir, spruce and hemlock left behind great piles of debris, called...


by Dr. Radut