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14 years 9 months ago

By  Sam Sherrill, Deputy Editor, Crow's, RISI PORTLAND, OR, Sept. 28, 2009 (RISI) - Few people within the industry five years ago would have thought there would be any possibility of a Pine shortage in U.S. markets. But few people would have believed housing was on the brink of an...

14 years 10 months ago

Sept 24 2009  Norske Skog has entered into an agreement with Chinese Shandong Huatai Paper to sell Norske Skog Hebei mill in Zhaoxian, China. The price is around 800 million Norwegian Kroner.

14 years 10 months ago

As part of the programme for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD, see Update 57), Guyana, Panama and Indonesia submitted readiness preparation proposals (R-PPs), necessary for funding through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. The Bank's technical advisory panel...

14 years 10 months ago

Chainsaws, bulldozers, and fires are tools of rainforest destruction, but roads are enablers.

14 years 10 months ago

MONTREAL, Sept. 22 /CNW Telbec/ - (All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.) GLV Inc. ("GLV"; ticker symbols GLV.A, GLV.B / TSX) announces that its Board of Directors has approved a voluntary takeover bid (the "Takeover" or the "Offer") to purchase up to 100% of the shares of...

14 years 10 months ago

Kanadische GLV will Christ Water Technology kaufen Ein öffentliches Übernahmeangebot ist geplant. Der größte CWT-Aktionär, die WAB Privatstiftung, unterstützt das Angebot. Wien - Der kanadische Technologiekonzern GLV Inc. beabsichtigt die börsennotierte Christ Water Technology mit Holding-Sitz in...

14 years 10 months ago

“The world needs more effective and focused international action on tropical forests. That will help reduce poverty, protect biodiversity and also mitigate the effects of climate change.” 

14 years 10 months ago

Understanding the web of social groups involved in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is key to containing forest loss, argues a leading Amazon researcher writing in the journal Ecology and Society.

Mongabay | 14 years 10 months ago

Germany has apparently agreed to fund a significant portion of Ecuador's scheme to leave Amazon rainforest oil reserves in the ground, according to Business Green.

14 years 10 months ago

The dispute between the US and Europe is over the way national carbon reduction targets would be counted. Europe has been pushing to retain structures and systems set up under the Kyoto protocol, the existing global treaty on climate change. US negotiators have told European counterparts that...

14 years 10 months ago

Mark Tercek left Goldman Sachs after a long and successful career midway through 2008, just before the global financial meltdown. Good timing, except that Tercek moved on to become the president and CEO of The Nature Conservancy, the world’s biggest environmental organization, as  the global...

14 years 10 months ago

The legitimacy of the $100 billion (£60 billion) carbon-trading market has been called into question after the world’s largest auditor of clean-energy projects was suspended by United Nations inspectors.

14 years 10 months ago

Imports of Logs, Lumber and Pulp to China Increased Substantially in the 2Q/09 as the Country’s Economy Grow by Almost 8%, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. China became the major import destination for many globally traded forest products in 2009. The country is the world’s largest importer...

JSOnline | 14 years 10 months ago

A proposal by We Energies to generate power by burning waste wood at a Wisconsin paper mill comes at a time when the paper industry and environmentalists have raised concerns about another wood-burning power plant in northern Wisconsin.

14 years 10 months ago

Now that the forest-certification movement is running out of steam, two groups involved in promoting sustainable forestry have responded by declaring war on each other.   ForestEthics fired the first shots a few days ago, filing complaints of both tax fraud and greenwashing against the...

14 years 10 months ago

September 10, 2009: Greenpeace and Oxfam International criticize the EU Commission for not being ready to pay Europe’s share of the climate bill.

14 years 10 months ago

Die Kommission schlägt vor, den Entwicklungsländern ab 2013 jährlich steigende Beträge zu zahlen, um mit dem Klimawandel zurechtzukommen.

14 years 10 months ago

The current economic crisis is hitting hard the forest products sector across the UNECE region, according to the UNECE/FAO’s Forest Products Annual Market Review 2008-2009.


by Dr. Radut