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New Report Shows B.C. Lagging Behind in Creating Sustainable Forestry Jobs

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Issue date: 
August 12, 2011
Publisher Name: 
HQ Prince George
Jeff Sargeant
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The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is calling out B.C.'s forest industry for lagging behind developing sustainable jobs.  A new report says the province risks losing further ground on the processed wood market if efforts are not made to both renew our forests and create more long-term jobs.  Resource Policy Analyst Ben Parfitt says B.C. falls way behind Ontario and Quebec when it comes to the number of jobs per amount of processed wood.  "It's really encumbant, I think, on the Provincial Government to get very very serious about promoting policies that are going to create more jobs from a diminished overall wood supply."  He says focussing more on higher-end secondary wood products rather than raw or partially processed exports will also help B.C. withstand the ups and downs of the market.  Parfitt adds post-pine beetle, the industry must add more jobs with less wood by focussing on these higher end products.


Extpub | by Dr. Radut