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Industry web Woodnet.se writes a long article about an eco-friendly wood preservative that gives both flame and mold protection, and it is also sustainable. With preservatives the timber gets a permanent protection against both decay as fire.

The company OrganoClick has developed a process that provides cellulose with completely new features. Fabric and paper gets water resistancy, and also becomes stronger, and wood are both flameproof
and resistant to mold. OrganoClick uses a proprietary  technology platform for modification of cellulose, they also develop custom designed cellulose-based materials and chemical products with highly specialized functions.

The product comes in liquid form and can be used both for surface treatment and pressure treatment with existing machinery.The cost is slightly higher than for wood preservatives by copper salts, but at the same time they also gives fire protection .

OrganoClick manufacture and supply a range of unique, eco friendly renewable materials and chemical compositions for use in the paper-, packaging-, textile-, wood- and biotechnology industry. In 2008, OrganoClick was awarded for its unique and “green” technology with the prestigious Swedish environmental innovation price “Miljöinnovation”. The same year the company, recognized as the most promising start up company, and also won  “Innovation and Technology Award”.


Extpub | by Dr. Radut