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RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The Board of Directors of Arkhangelsk PPM has decided to hold an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on March 9, 2011. As reported by the company, the meeting will be held in vote in absentia principle. The shareholders shall give their approval to major interrelated transactions.

Alert Net | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Since the 2009 coup that overthrew the government of President Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, the countryside of the lower Aguan Valley, a long embattled region and one of Central America's richest agricultural areas, has undergone a brutal rash of kidnappings, murders, detentions and intimidation.

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

anuary 2011: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) has received five REDD Readiness Preparation Proposals (R-PP) and four draft R-PPs from FCPF participant countries during the course of January 2011.

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

This week the United Nations launches the International Year of Forests (IYF), and indeed 2011 begins with the future of the world’s tropical forests at a “tipping point”.   Fortuitously, IYF is being launched at a moment when the stars are aligning for a step change in how forests are managed.

Congo Basin Forest Partnership | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

he Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) organize a workshop – Oslo REDD Exchange 2011 – 23-24 June 2011. The workshop will focus on safeguards and REDD+, with a particular emphasis on the exchange of experiences...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The US-based conservation consultancy Wildlife Works Carbon won the race to issue the world’s first offset credits for the voluntary carbon market from a project designed to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD).

AllAfrica | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Maputo — The Mozambican government and its partners are looking at the current level of deforestation and at new strategies to reverse the trend. These issues were discussed in Maputo on Monday at a meeting in preparation for the drafting of the new National Strategy for Reducing Deforestation...

Mayo News Ireland | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

It may come as something of a surprise to many people that one of Co Mayo’s most realisable long-term energy resource options, especially in terms of benefits to local communities and local economies, is the development of sustainable forestry.  A research project I was involved in a few years...

National Geographic Action Atlas | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Project Summary The Laojunshan Nature Reserve (LNR), located in the northwest of China’s Yunnan Province, is in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, which was named a World Heritage site in July 2003. Comprising four counties (Yulong, Jiangchuan, Weixi, and Lanping), each with different land...

Fiji Government | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

With financial and technical support from our regional and international development partners, Fiji has continued to further the implementation of Sustainable Forest Management. In 2007, the Government passed a new forest policy that has sustainable forest management as its foundation. In 2008...

Malya | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The forestry sector said the government should implement plans on the classification of the country’s forests and on the adoption of watershed and ecosystem as well as conduct multi-sectoral community approaches to promote holistic and sustainable forestry activities. "Sustainable logging in...

Yacount | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Morocco's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohamed Loulichki stressed the need for taking measures to promote sustainable forest management in Africa through setting up a global funding mechanism. Speaking at the 9th UN forum on Forests (UNFF) on behalf of the African...

The National Post | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

British Columbia is blessed by nature with a vast, ecologically rich forest estate that also has been a source of sustained economic wealth for more than a century. But today there are troubling signs that the most important of natural assets is facing challenges never before seen. The area of...

UN-FAO | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

2 February 2011, New York/Rome (FAO) - Millions of forest-dependant people play a vital role in managing, conserving, and developing the world's forests in a sustainable manner, but the outside world often underestimates their rights to use and benefit from local forest resources, says FAO's new...

The Baltic Course | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

he London based Qatari news channel ''Al Jazeera English'' has aired an investigative report on Latvia's rapid deforestation, blaming state-owned joint-stock company Latvijas Valsts mezi (Latvian State Forests, LVM) on cutting down the country's forests.


by Dr. Radut