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The Independent | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

In line with the Cross River State initiative, more states in Nigeria are making plans to be part of the socio-economically beneficial Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) climate mitigation scheme. Indeed, two major forest reserves stretching across four states...

Thanh Nien News | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The experiences and successes of Vietnam’s Payments for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) scheme, which has generated significant resources to support forest protection and local livelihoods, were shared at a workshop in Da Lat last Friday. The Asia Regional Biodiversity Conservation...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

AGRICULTURE Minister Robert Persaud said, Wednesday, that the Government has led efforts to strengthen forest legality to ensure access to traditional and new markets and is pursuing avenues to build on what was previously achieved. He was speaking to stakeholders at a European Union (EU) Forest...

The Citizen | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Dar es Salaam. The government admitted yesterday that there is poor coordination towards the planning and implementation of the REDD, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. Tanzania is in the initial process of implementing REDD, a mechanism designed to pay developing...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

AGREEMENT REACHED BETWEEN THE FINNISH MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND UPM ON PROTECTING FORESTS IN KAINUU The Ministry of the Environment and UPM have agreed upon compensation for the Natura 2000 sites and areas designated for protection under national conservation programmes in UPM's forests...

RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Following the opening of pellet production mini-plant in Nyandoma (Arkhangelsk Region) a new plant Biotek, OOO which production capacity will amount to 70 thousand tons of wood pellets per year is to be launched at the end of 2011 in Velsk. At the end of January 2011 European and American...

IUCN | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Gill Shepherd, IUCN Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy Thematic Adviser on Poverty and Landscapes, speaks on the latest thinking on forests and poverty, drawing from lessons that have come out of IUCN's innovative 'Livelihoods and Landscapes Strategy' (LLS).  

PCARRD | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The Philippines supports the REDD-Plus Strategy, an effective forest management option which aims to address the threats of climate change. A major output in the Copenhagen Accord in 2009, REDD-Plus means reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and increased removal of...

Forestry Investment Blog | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The UK governement has unveiled its long-awaited plans for the Forestry Commission, proposing to lease woodland to private sector operators and hand over control of England´s heritage forests to charitable trusts.   The coalition is already committed to taking 15 percent of the public forest...

Paperindex Times | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

WHITECOURT, ALBERTA, CANADA, Jan 27, 2011 - The Government of Canada today announced an investment in new Canadian technology that will contribute to a more sustainable pulp and paper industry in Canada.

IIED | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The European Union is closing its doors to illegal timber exports. But unless we tackle unsustainable logging to satisfy domestic timber markets, their actions will little benefit forests, or the millions of poor people that live within them. Making timber sustainable requires the use of both...

Paper Index Times | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

FINLAND, Jan 25, 2011 - The international Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) granted its unqualified approval to Finland’s redrafted FSC standard on 21st January 2011. The new FSC standard can be adopted once a three-month transitional period has passed. Common ground on Finland’s national FSC...

Carbon Trade Watch | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

It is one of the first laws of diplomacy: when it is hard to agree on an answer, change the question. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) schemes are the product of two of these diplomatic back-flips.

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Ontario has chosen the winners of its wood supply competition and notices have gone out to the applicants. The goal of Ontario’s wood supply competition was to attract new investment in the forest sector, support new and innovative ventures to stimulate Ontario’s economy and build an industry...


by Dr. Radut