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RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Federal Forestry Agency of the Russian Federation has named SibDSM CJSC (Siberian fiberboard mill) to be a high priority investment project during which an OSB mill will be launched in the city of Svirsk (Irkutsk Region). The construction works will start in July 2011, the first product output is...

Paperindex Times | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Graz, Austria, Feb 3, 2011 - International technology Group ANDRITZ has been awarded an order by Graphic Packaging International to supply a 350,000 lb/h (160 t/h) steam boiler using woody biomass and primary clarifier sludge as fuels for the company’s mill in Macon, USA. Start-up of the boiler...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The Canadian Institute of Forestry has launched a membership drive to reach out to potential new members. The Canadian Institute of Forestry is the national voice of forest practitioners. Formed in 1908, the Institute represents foresters, forest technologists and technicians, ecologists,...

Business Green | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

As with many environmentalists, the protests against the government's plans to sell off the bulk of the UK's forest estate have struck something of a nerve with me.

OneWorld | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

A paradigm shift in global forest management is needed to halt tropical deforestation, said Global Witness at the start of the UN’s International Year of Forests. The status quo effectively legalises the destruction of natural forests by logging operations, subsidised by tax-dollars. Without...

24dash | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

A note from the editor: Ms. Lucas is still continuing her misleading campaign... Why? Read here... Green MP Caroline Lucas today accused the Government of failing to take action to tackle the problem of illegal logging. Ms Lucas said the coalition's pledge to bring in measures to make the...

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Almost nine per cent of the government’s planned expenditure in the 2011 national budget depends upon receipt of US$70M from Norway, under the MoU signed on November 9, 2009.  That is surely a risky strategy because there appears to be no fall-back position if the Norwegian money does not come,...

Paperindex Times | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Brazil, Feb 01, 2011 - Metso will supply a new recovery boiler and evaporation plant for Eldorado Celulose e Papel S.A.’s new greenfield pulp mill investment in Três Lagoas, Brazil. The value of the order is not disclosed. The order will be included in Energy and Environmental Technology’s Q4/...

Hindustan Times | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Asia is leading afforestation activity in the world with a significant contribution from India which is adding 300,000 hectares of forest every year, a senior UN official said. "I would highlight India, which still has important population growth. The forests in India are growing at 300,000

Click Green | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Download the report here... All of the world’s energy needs could be provided cleanly, sustainably and economically by 2050, according to a major, two-year study by the WWF. And the comprehensive research estimates the financial benefits of lower energy costs will be huge, with global savings...

New Zealand Herald | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

BIOCHAR In one sense, proving Carbonscape's novel one-step process can cheaply produce highly porous charcoal was the easy part. Now the Blenheim-based cleantech company faces the potentially far greater challenge of nationally and globally commercialising its method of turning biomass such...

RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

KAMA Pulp and paper mill (Krasnokamsk, Perm Territory) which is a part of Investlesprom Group will become the first company in Russia to produce light-weight coated paper. According to press-release of the Government of Perm Territory the production will be launched in March 2011. The raw...

Forestry Invest | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

Brazil has more than 100 years of Eucalyptus biomass fuel experience, but the Dow Chemical Company will be the first  Brazilian company in the chemical and petrochemical industry to utilise it.

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

The Neucel Specialty Cellulose mill in Port Alice, British Columbia has been sold to Fulida Group Holdings Ltd. of China. Fulida will be taking over full ownership of the mill with Zhejiang Fulida Ltd, a limited company that bought a minority position in the mill in January 2010. Financial...

Paperindex Times | vor 14 Jahre 1 month

4 February 2011, London, UK – Two Sides has joined with other industry bodies to urgently request a meeting with the European Commission to discuss the role of print media, and a need for the European Commission to form a balanced view of the sustainability of print media in a multi-media world.


by Dr. Radut