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The New York Times | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Forests in the Interior West could soon flip from carbon sink to carbon source, forest experts say. The region's forests once absorbed and stored more carbon from the atmosphere than they released. But huge conflagrations -- like the 138,000-acre Hayman Fire in Colorado in 2002 and the...

Daily News | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

IN Kigoma, Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is preparing local communities to benefit from REDD initiative within seven villages bordering the rich biodiversity Masito-Usagalla Ecosystem. The representatives from seven villages of Ilagara, Karago, Songambele, Sigunga, Sunuka and Kirando and...

Guyana Chronicle | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

I wish to refer to an article in the Stabroek News under the caption “Annual Progress Report on REDD-Plus enablers – 2010 – for the Norway-Guyana MOU” by John Palmer (read here) in its issue of Thursday November 4, 2010. Allow me to raise the following points:

The Guardian | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The government has backed away from legislation that would outlaw the possession of illegally logged timber from the world's rainforests.

The Scotsman | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

SCOTLAND'S forests are in deep decline, threatening jobs and carbon-cutting targets, despite a Scottish Government pledge to plant 100 million new trees by 2015, industry experts have warned. A new report by ConFor, the Confederation of Forest Industries, shows 24,000 hectares of productive...

Vancouver Sun | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

With two provincial ministries performing the work of one, inefficiency is inevitable and sustainable-use policies will be ignored. After bleeding like a wounded pig for almost a decade from cutbacks to reforestation to constraints on spending its voted funds, Premier Gordon Campbell and Forest...

Bloomberg | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The European Union may allow use of emission credits from forest protection to help fill any gap from a ban of some industrial-gas credits, a banker at BNP Paribas SA said.

OWEN | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Suppose you had $1 million to spend on tackling climate change.  How would you spend it to get the best bang for your million bucks? Would you spend it on stopping the slash-and-burn of forests?  Perhaps on switching to nuclear energy?   More energy-efficient buildings?  Building cleaner power...

RUNA | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

In 2011 Karelia’s Ministry of Economic Development plans to attract about 20 bln rubles of state and private investments to the regional economy, what corresponds to the rates of 2010.  Such rates are stipulated by the socio-economic development concept project of the republic for 2011-2015.  

International Forest Industries | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Ruukki Group, a Finland-based company that focuses on wood-based industrial business operations, has scrapped its plans to build a large pulp mill and sawmill in the Kostroma Oblast in Russia. reports Helsingin Sanomat..The company did not accept the contract changes requested by the Kostroma...

Business Week | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The Maine Department of Conservation says eight wood-to-energy conversion projects are receiving more than $5.55 million in federal stimulus funding. The energy-conversion grants will provide partial funding for projects at six school systems, the University of Maine at Presque Isle and...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Alberta had a good year in its fight against the mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins), thanks to both the weather and to the province’s containment efforts. Aerial surveys are revealing the beetle infestation in the the province has declined this year, and have shown that no...

Island Sun | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

SOLOMON ISLANDS is among five countries that would benefit from a funding to support its national REDD+ efforts. The five countries are Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and the Philippines including Solomon Islands. These five countries will receive critical funding to support their...

FAO | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

FIRE HAS BEEN A MAJOR INFLUENCE on the development and management of many of the world's forests. Some forest ecosystems have evolved in response to frequent fires from natural as well as human causes, but most others are negatively affected by wildfire. Every year millions of hectares of the...

Greenwood Management | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

American conglomerate, General Electric (GE), has chosen Brazil as the location for its fifth key research and development centre, in a deal that will see the company invest $500 million in the nation. The decision was made to locate the centre in Brazil as the company emphasizes its push on...

USAID | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The U.S. Government is proud to announce the release of the United States' strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and increase carbon sequestration by forests in developing countries. This is commonly referred to as REDD+. This U.S. government-wide strategy...

Timbercommunity | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The advantage for Swedish sawmills has disappeared with the appreciation of the Swedish Crown. In order to adapt to the demand the forestry group Södra , which consists of 50 000 forest owners, has  decided to halt production at all its ten sawmills from 23 December to 10 January writes the...

Timbercommunity | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The recent positive trend in prices on wood products has turned. It started in early November when the Forest Owners' Association Norrskog lowered the price of pine logs with 35 SEK (Swedish crowns) and the price of spruce with 20 SEK per m3 (cubic meters over bark, ie, the log total volume...

Carbon Finance Online | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

The World Bank Group has been urged to curtail buying carbon credits from hydropower projects, shifting the emphasis of its carbon finance activities to areas where it can have more influence. A report by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) says: “Carbon finance needs to be redirected away...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 4 months

Date: Sunday, 5 December 2010 Location: Cancún Center, Cancún, Mexico Organisers: Center for International Forestry Research, Collaborative Partnership on Forests, Government of Mexico, Mexico National Forestry Commission. Forest Day 4: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities For Making REDD+ A...


by Dr. Radut