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Papernet SE | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Australian forest company Gunns Ltd, which is planning to build a new giant pulp mill on the Australian island of Tasmania, possibly in collaboration with Swedish Södra, welcomes a historic forest statement of principles, which was announced yesterday. The statement is intended to end the long-...

Forestry Investment Blog | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

On Monday the American forestry investment firm Timberland Investment Resources (TIR) has launched a European timber hedge fund to provide European investors access to asset strategies.

Starafrica | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, October 18, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Ambassador Hans Brattskar, Director of Norway's Climate and Forest Initiative, visits Tanzania 19-21 October to learn about progress in stopping climate change through Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest...

REUTERS | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

(Reuters) - Brazil will auction large swaths of the Amazon forest to be managed by private timber companies and cooperatives to help reduce demand for illegal logging, a top official told Reuters on Monday. After years of legal battles and political opposition, the government is reviving...

Vanguard | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The United Nations REDD Mission to Nigeria, has described the Cross River State Forestry Programme as an ambitious opposition to global warming.

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Linda Rosengren, UN-REDD Programme, has authored an article on the drivers of deforestation, in particular agricultural expansion, and the role of REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as well as the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and...

ENVIWEB | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

New research on sustainable forest management (SFM) initiatives in Russia and Sweden has indicated that the main challenges to SFM are combining top-down and bottom up approaches to management, coordinating the different sectors involved and including all actors and stakeholders.

Climate-L | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

October 2010: The latest issue of Tropical Forest Update, a publication of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), includes an article on tools and measures for ensuring REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as well as the role of conservation,...

Kenora Daily Miner & News | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Weyerhaeuser Canada president Anne Giardini joined with Forestry Minister Michael Gravelle and Wabaseemoong (Whitedog) Independent Nations Chief Eric Fisher in signing an historic shareholder-managed Sustainable Forest Licence for the Kenora Forest Thursday.

Stabroek News | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Rainforest Alliance has been selected as the independent entity to review Guyana’s Annual Progress reports on REDD+ enablers under the Guyana-Norway forest protection agreement.

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The Swedish Government writes in a pressrelease that they have decided to give the Board of Forestry and Environmental Protection Agency to draw up a platform of knowledge about what it takes to achieve a higher effectiveness in terms of sustainable forest management. The project will describe...

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

A modelling study on the effects of differing land use policies on forests has found that placing a carbon price on emissions are needed to protect forest cover. The lack of a carbon price on land-use emissions is likely to lead to significant deforestation for the purpose of bio-energy crop...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board has just announced that its approval of the NewPage Port Hawkesbury and Nova Scotia Power's proposal to burn trees to create power. Approval was granted, with conditions. In particular, any costs that exceed $208 million must be borne by shareholders,...

EURACTIVE | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

A large fall in greenhouse gas emissions brought about by a reduction of industrial activity led by the economic crisis has put the EU on a fast track to meet its Kyoto commitments, but Austria, Denmark and Italy are falling behind, according to new figures. The EU-15 cut their average annual...

Forest Talk | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Prince Edward Island has approved two proposals that will see five public buildings in the province heated by wood biomass. Atlantic Bioheat will supply biomass-based heat to M. E. Callaghan and Hernewood junior high schools. Wood4heating will supply biomass-derived heat to Three Oaks High...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Lumber futures rose the maximum permitted by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on Tuesday, reaching a four month high, as the U.S. disputes the pricing of wood imported from Canada, the biggest foreign supplier reports Bloomberg. British Columbia is “under-pricing” timber from public lands and “...

Timber Community | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

The U.S. investment bank Morgan Stanley believes that we have a food crisis. An especially raging summer in the US, droughts and forest fires in countries including Brazil and Russia and heavy rain in Europe and Canada have hit many grain and oilseed crops this year. The demand for grain...

Afrique en ligne | vor 14 Jahre 5 months

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday the world would likely not be able to reach agreement on climate change-related actions without first striking a deal on climate financing. Addressing the Seventh African Development Forum (ADF-VII), which is...


by Dr. Radut