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Pulp and Paper Canada | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Federal regulations requiring an average renewable fuel content of 5% in gasoline have been finalized and will come into effect starting December 15, 2010. The 5% renewable fuel content requirement in gasoline will require about two billion litres a year of renewable fuel across Canada, a...

Gisborne Herald | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

GISBORNE will be a net winner from the emissions trading scheme, promises Climate Change Minister Nick Smith. At a well-attended meeting last night, Dr Smith managed to tame a potentially hostile audience through judicious use of the expressions: “Good question”, “You’re absolutely right” and “...

IPS News | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

GERÊS, Portugal, Aug 31, 2010 (IPS) - Environmentalists are alarmed: fires have destroyed close to 100,000 hectares of forest in Portugal this summer, releasing one million tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Worst of all, the forests are losing their ability to absorb carbon.

Forest for Climate | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Norway's Climate and Forests Initiative, which has set aside billions of dollars for efforts to reduce deforestation, should work with the country's Ministry of Finance to divest the Government Pension Fund from companies that destroy forests, says the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), an...

Gerson Lehman Group | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Summary In a previous article we discussed the importance of the UN-REDD Programme as well as the obstacles to its further implementation.  Recognizing the impact that the retreat of the tropical forests is having on global warming, the United Nations launched the UN-REDD Programme, Reduced...

Global Wood | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

According to the office of Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council, China had decided to remove tariffs on 4,762 commodities imported from 33 of the world’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Commodities with zero tariffs include wood products. The zero tariff treatment came into effect...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

25 August 2010 | The first Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) methodology to quantify the climate benefits for projects reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) is now approved and available for use after going live this Monday. 

Mercury News | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

LOMPICO - PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric's) is handing over tens of thousands of dollars to the nonprofit Sempervirens Fund to protect a 425-acre stand of redwoods once slated for logging deep in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The deal, expected to be completed next month, is part of the...

BioFuels Digest | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The advocates of renewable energy have long chanted a mantra of “green jobs, energy security and lower emissions”, but in country after country we continue to see a fork in the road emerging whereby individual nations are forced to make choices between lowering (global) emissions or developing...

FERN | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

In the drive to tackle climate change, carbon trading has become the policy instrument of choice among governments. It is also a central element of the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol. National or regional carbon trading schemes are now operational in Europe, the USA, New Zealand and elsewhere.

Carbon Positive | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

The landmark approval of a carbon accounting methodology to underpin REDD projects in Asia shows the project-based voluntary carbon market leading the way in the development of mechanisms to halt the destruction of climate-critical tropical forests.

CIFOR | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Urgent Action Needed On Climate-Forestry Research   Forestry scientists need to think big, act fast and communicate better if their work is to have an impact on global climate change negotiations, CIFOR Director General Frances Seymour said in a keynote address at an international forestry...

Bloomberg | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Biofuels companies from the U.K. to Brazil and China are buying up large swaths of Africa, causing deforestation and diverting land from food to fuel production, the environmental group Friends of the Earth said.

Huffington Post | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Seven western states and four Canadian provinces have joined forces in a plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions. An entire new source of long-term revenue is available to British Columbia's government, which will enable protecting massive tracks of old growth forests and fresh water supplies....

Science of America | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

CAMBRIDGE, Md. -- Evidence is mounting that climate change is transforming Alaska's boreal forest, an expert said yesterday. "A biome shift is now occurring," University of Alaska, Fairbanks, forest ecologist Glenn Juday said. "You don't have to wait for the effects. They're happening." The...

BLOG AL | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Pulp mills may be getting back on the black liquor gravy train. Paper and pulp makers, including a number of mills in southwest Alabama, collected $8 billion or more last year in federal cash and tax credits by doing what they've done for decades -- burning the carbon-rich leftovers from the...

HAZMAT Magazine | vor 14 Jahre 6 months

Forest certification standards from 12 nations have called on the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to end its discrimination against wood and accept all credible sustainable forest certification standards. The certification programs pointed out that wood is one of the best environmental choices...


by Dr. Radut