Bioenergy Prices Austria
Price analyses of wooden bioenergy in Austria:
Charts and Study are in German language - english legends enclosed by ForesIndustries.EU:
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© by klima:aktiv 2011 |
- Dark green: Spruce/pine saw log nominal prices in EUR/m³ underbark
- Light green: Spruce/pine saw log real prices in EUR/m³ underbark
- Light green: Spruce/fir pulplog (softwood) prices in EUR/m³ underbark
- Orange: Pine pulplog (softwood) prices in EUR/m³ underbark
- Blue: Beech pulplog (hardwood) prices in EUR/m³ underbark
IHG = industrial wood chips (from chipper canter saw mills)
SRM = bulk m³
- light green: Spruce/fir industrial wood chips (softwood) prices in EUR/bulk m³ [high]
- light orange: Pine/larch industrial wood chips (softwood) prices in EUR/bulk m³ [high]
- light blue: sawdust (softwood) prices in EUR/bulk m³ [high]
- dark green: Spruce/fir industrial wood chips (softwood) prices in EUR/bulk m³ low]
- dark orange: Pine/larch industrial wood chips (softwood) prices in EUR/bulk m³ [low]
- dark blue: saw dust (softwood) prices in EUR/bulk m³ [low]
- Biomass wood chip prices in various regions of Austria (nominal) in EUR/bone dry ton
- Pellets prices in EUR/ton
- Heating energy prices in EURO-Cent/kWh for pellets
- Heating energy prices in EURO-Cent/kWh for light fuel oil
- Heating energy prices in EURO-Cent/kWh for natural gas
- Heating energy prices in EURO-Cent/kWh for electric current
You can download the report in German language here: Marktanalyse Preisentwicklung (PDF 457,16 kB )
You might also be interested in a general market analyzes of pellet markets till 2020 (PDF)
"The wood pellet market is booming in Europe. The EU 2020 policy targets for renewable energy sources and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction are among the main drivers. The aim of this analysis is to map cur-rent European national wood pellet demand and supplies, to provide a comprehensive overview of major market types and prices, and to discuss the future outlook in light of raw material supply. Approximately 650 pellet plants produced more than 10 million tonnes of pellets in 2009 in Europe. Total European consumption was about 9.8 mil-lion tonnes, of which some 9.2 million tonnes is within the EU-27, representing a modest 0.2% of Gross Energy Consumption (75 EJ level in 2008). The prices of most pellet types are increasing. While most markets of non-indus-trial pellets are largely self-sufficient, industrial pellet markets depend on the import of wood pellets from outside the EU-27. Industrial pellet markets are relatively mature, compared to non-industrial ones, because of their advanced storage facilities and long-term price-setting. However, industrial pellet markets are unstable, depending mainly on the establishment or the abolishment of public support schemes.
Following our scenarios, additional 2020 demand for woody biomass varies from 105 million tonnes, based on market forecasts for pellets in the energy sector and a reference growth of the forest sector, to 305 million tonnes, based on maximum demand in energy and transport sectors and a rapid growth of the forest sector. Additional supply of woody biomass may vary from 45 million tonnes from increased harvest levels to 400 million tonnes after the recovery of slash via altered forest management, the recovery of waste wood via recycling, and the establishment of woody energy plantations in the future. Any short-term shortages within the EU-27 may be bridged via imports from nearby regions such as north west Russia or overseas. © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd"