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Want to learn more about REDD?

August 2012: Want to know how REDD+ has evolved the past years? Have a look here......


Want to learn more about the basics of REDD+?

All those global officials responsible for REDD-plus ►

If you want to have an introduction to REDD+, if you want to understand deforestation, why it happened and where it still happens then follow this link, we will lead you the right direction - and, don't miss "Don't demonize deforestation!"...

More Information

Lost in space because of all those specific terms when reading deforestation texts?

Glossary of Forests related Climate specific terms

Want to know some background info of UN-REDD programme?

UN-REDD came up with a Q&A in July 2010


All global forest info at your mousecklick...

Reuters | 15 years 2 weeks ago

LONDON (Reuters) - The global market for carbon offsets from planting trees and preserving forests, worth nearly $150 million to date, could stall without a U.S. climate bill or a successor pact to the Kyoto Protocol, a report said on Thursday.

15 years 2 weeks ago

TREES are one of the most efficient systems of carbon capture and storage on the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen, locking the carbon into their roots, trunk, branches, twigs and leaves and the soil. They are so good at this that about 20% of the greenhouse gases...

Solve Climate | 15 years 2 weeks ago

The public is largely unaware of a momentous battle about to be fought in Washington. The stakes are enormous. Yet the public has not been well informed. Ignorance of the matter derives in part from the fact that the conflict was initiated via the highly charged issue of climate change. Climate is...

CarbonPositive | 15 years 3 weeks ago

The future of the growing project-based forest carbon sector has been clouded by the two climate and energy bills in the US Congress. The bills, one passed in the House last June, the other being drafted in the Senate, both make provision for large use of international forest carbon offsets as a...

15 years 3 weeks ago

Germany has committed 27 million euros ($39 million) for a pilot project that would demonstrate how the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation program would work ahead of its implementation in 2012. The pilot project is scheduled to begin this month in three districts in...

15 years 3 weeks ago

The 'anomalies’ of Dr Rajendra Pachauri’s charity accounts By Christopher Booker 7:00PM BST 02 Oct 2010

Columbia University | 15 years 3 weeks ago

Five environmental trust funds in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have joined with Columbia University’s Center for Environment, Economy, and Society to establish the Amazon Forest Carbon Partnership, a collaboration to reduce carbon emissions and provide an economic alternative for...

DemocracyNow! | 15 years 1 month ago

On Wednesday, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the Obama administration would commit $1 billion over the next three years toward a proposed global scheme to preserve tropical forests. It’s called REDD, or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation. As countries attempt to...

GRIST | 15 years 1 month ago

So Copenhagen is over, with forests mentioned in one paragraph of a politically ambiguous “Copenhagen Accord” and an incomplete REDD agreement stapled on the back with major safeguard and finance issues still unresolved. Clearly, high hopes of a deal that might save the world’s forests and reduce...

The Wall Street Journal | 15 years 1 month ago

The failure of the United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen to produce a strong, binding agreement to cut carbon-dioxide emissions sowed gloom in European carbon markets Monday, with prices for carbon-emissions permits falling more than 8%. There were also political echoes to the Copenhagen...

15 years 1 month ago

The Copenhagen Accord recognized the need for a mechanism to funnel money into projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation while promoting sustainable forest management.  Maria Bendana digs into the latest negotiating text and offers a detailed...

The Washington Post | 15 years 1 month ago

The agreement achieved at the Copenhagen climate summit leaves business leaders around the world close to where they began, facing uncertainty about how environmental policy will affect their costs and decisions about investments.

Reuters | 15 years 1 month ago

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - The United States has pledged $1 billion as part of a $3.5 billion scheme as initial financing toward slowing deforestation, a major contributor to climate change, a U.S. government statement said on Wednesday.

CNBC | 15 years 1 month ago

Defining how a forest can generate carbon credits could be the one landmark agreement coming out of the UN climate talks in Copenhagen. The goal of negotiations in Copenhagen will be to create a forestry carbon offsets protocol, designed to incentivize developing countries like Indonesia and...

The Irish Times | 15 years 1 month ago

COPENHAGEN 2009: THE FINAL draft of a deal on curbing carbon emissions from deforestation has been stripped of any real protection for natural forests or indigenous peoples who have looked after them for centuries, environmentalists claimed yesterday.

The Sydney Morning Herald | 15 years 1 month ago

A global policy to preserve forests and limit carbon dioxide emissions will likely be folded into a draft text this week at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen.

New Matilda | 15 years 1 month ago

Carbon offset schemes like REDD have been a big part of the Copenhagen negotiations so far, but in practice they can go horribly wrong, reports Angela Dewan

The New York Times | 15 years 1 month ago

At this week's global climate talks, some rich nations are prepared to urge more lenient accounting practices to hide a portion of their fossil fuel carbon emissions using their trees, environmentalists say.


Illegal logging...

September 2012 - a note by the Editor of ForestIndustries.EU: We wrote this article more than three years ago. Many significant events happened since then and a huge amount of new knowledge has been collected by the global community.

by Dr. Radut